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首先,工厂有提供CPC证书,ASTM, CPSIA测试报告,但是有一个问题这个证书跟报告都是很多产品供应的报告,包含20个产品型号。

Hello ,

 We are unable to move forward with the approval process of your product(s) until the following required compliance documents are submitted.

1. We noticed that the image(s)/model numbers/ product description in the (8822)164-0081, (8822)164-0085 does not confirm the product(s) listed below is the same as the product(s) in the image(s)/model numbers/ product description on the detail page(s):


To continue with the approval process for your product, please submit test report with the correct information, including product identifier which show that the product is the same when compared to the product details on the detail page.

2. Please be informed that we can only accept product images. Therefore, kindly take clear photo of the product and product packaging clearly displaying:
i) Manufacturer name
ii) Manufacturer address
iii) Warning label (as applicable)

3. Please update CPSIA Warning Attribute in detail page.

4. We are contacting you because we are missing required information and documentation. The CPC you submitted is missing required  information.

Please resubmit the document with the following updated information:

• Product description or product identifier so we can determine if the certificate is issued for the correct product

For further information on Children’s Product Certificates refer to the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s website at https://www.cpsc.gov/Testing-C ... e-CPC and our help page at https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... WD4U8

Unless we promptly receive the required documentation, your product will be removed. For instructions on how to submit the required documents, see our Help Page at Seller Help Page link for US marketplace.

Visit your Account Health Dashboard for more information about compliance documentation requirements and deadlines:
https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... board

For information on our compliance requirements and details on how to submit the documents, please refer to our help pages - https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... EQW5S

 This case now will be closed but we welcome you to re-open this case as soon as you are able to provide the required compliance documents.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation.

Amazon Product Assurance 

1. 是不是要把编辑页面的产品型号改成证书报告里面的产品型号,另外还有什么地方需要修改(报告里面很多款产品图片,我的产品只是其中一款,这个是否有影响)
3.修改CPSIA Warning Attribute,这个是不是直接选择No warning? 报告里面没看到这个内容

4. ** We are contacting you because we are missing required information and documentation. The CPC you submitted is missing required  information.

Please resubmit the document with the following updated information:

• Product description or product identifier so we can determine if the certificate is issued for the correct product** 第4点我没有看懂,求大神解释,具体是要干什么
求大神指教,在此先谢过 。感谢!
2. 打印标签纸,贴上去,估计不太容易过。你产品如果是盒子的话,你把产品详情做个图片底色接近盒子的颜色,用普通打印机或者彩色打印机打一张,裁切好,用透明热缩膜 热缩一下,这样就特别像一个正式的包装。如果没有这个条件,你用透明的自黏袋也行,装进去盒子和自己做的产品信息卡。这两种包装方式我这里都通过了。(总之要包装盒和产品信息要看着是一体的)
3.看你产品证书里面有没有年龄的限制,产品含小部件什么的吗, 有的话就要选。(最常见的就是 3year+ ,和小部件的警告语。年龄限制和警告语一定要出现在产品照片的详情里面。)


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