所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon 物流和仓储管理


发帖11次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动93次 历史交流热度11.9% 历史交流深度0%
最近我们欧洲的产品入库很慢,出现亚马逊签收之后丢件的问题,我们提供资料申请货件调查和赔偿,赔偿回来了,但是赔偿里面只告诉我们一共赔偿的总额, 一共 252个产品,平均一个赔偿 6.9欧元,我们的售价是 16.99, 按正常去除 配送费和佣金,应该是 9欧元,但是每个只赔偿 6.9, 问了好多客服,也研究了后台的规则,都是显示这个赔偿原则:
Your current list price for the item on Amazon
The average price at which you have sold the item on Amazon over the past 90 days
The average current list price for same item by other sellers on Amazon
The average price at which other sellers have sold the same item over the past 365 days

小菜儿 - LOVEPizza

赞同来自: 人间I惆怅客

Your current list price for the item on Amazon
The average price at which you have sold the item on Amazon over the past 90 days
The average current list price for same item by other sellers on Amazon
The average price at which other sellers have sold the same item over the past 365 days


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