社区 发现 Amazon 亚马逊丢件赔偿霸王条款,亚马逊签收之后丢...
Your current list price for the item on Amazon
The average price at which you have sold the item on Amazon over the past 90 days
The average current list price for same item by other sellers on Amazon
The average price at which other sellers have sold the same item over the past 365 days
7 个回复
小菜儿 - LOVEPizza
赞同来自: 人间I惆怅客 、 柯嘉菲
Your current list price for the item on Amazon
The average price at which you have sold the item on Amazon over the past 90 days
The average current list price for same item by other sellers on Amazon
The average price at which other sellers have sold the same item over the past 365 days