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产品安全性问题被下架,提交文件后链接恢复了,库存由瑕疵品变成预留状态 无法恢复库存

发帖3次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动135次 历史交流热度26.67% 历史交流深度0%
Dear Seller, We are currently removing all listings for some product(s) you have offered for sale on Amazon.com because of reported safety concerns. Please note that you will not be penalized for the first-time cancellation of these listings. However, we prohibit re-listing products on Amazon.com once it is brought to your attention that sales of those products are not permitted. You should not ship any pending customer orders for this product yourself. If you would like to appeal this decision, please submit an up-to-date (within the last year) CPSIA Compliance testing documentation from a CPSC approved laboratory, in addition to safety standard ASTM F963 if the product is a toy to Seller Support (https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... b_home). Please note that failure to provide appropriate documentation may result in your inventory being returned to you or destroyed. NOTE: If you have FBA inventory associated with the listings above, it will be stranded and subject to required removals if the ASINs are not reinstated within 30 days. To avoid this please appeal and provide documentations at your earliest opportunity. For details on when your units are scheduled for automatic removal visit Fix stranded inventory: https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... tory/ Please note that you must ensure removal/disposal orders are successfully executed.


由于报告的安全问题,我们目前正在删除您在 Amazon.com 上出售的某些产品的所有列表。

请注意,您不会因首次取消这些列表而受到处罚。但是,一旦您注意到不允许销售这些产品,我们将禁止在 Amazon.com 上重新发布产品。


如果您想对此决定提出上诉,请向卖家支持提交一份来自 CPSC 批准的实验室的最新(去年)CPSIA 合规性测试文件,以及安全标准 ASTM F963(如果产品是玩具)( https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... _home)。请注意,未能提供适当的文件可能会导致您的库存被退回或销毁。

注意:如果您有与上述商品相关的亚马逊物流库存,如果 ASIN 未在 30 天内恢复,它将被搁置并被要求移除。为避免这种情况,请尽早提出上诉并提供文件。有关您的商品何时安排自动移除的详细信息,请访问修复滞留库存:https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... tory/ 请注意,您必须确保移除/处置订单成功执行。
6天后提供相关文件证书 ,链接审核了两天链接恢复,库存150件,10件还是瑕疵品 140件处于亚马逊预留状态,我们的产品是大件一直等着,一个月仓储费快一万了 现在已经等待了15天,联系客服说:目前是被产品安全团队在控制,导致商品无法恢复正常可售,需要安全团队解除限制我们才能恢复库存 ,有没有相似经历的人?




1. 提交CPC后链接恢复可售后可以去开 case让客服帮忙刷新库存恢复可售
2. 这种情况只要链接恢复正常,去开亚马逊库存的case催上架
3. 正常你链接恢复的话库存也是会恢复的,除非链接审核被卡了


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