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发帖53次 被置顶12次 被推荐7次 质量分1星 回帖互动279次 历史交流热度9.56% 历史交流深度0%
过几天就是prime day了 之前设的优惠券啥的都做不了了
Dear customer,
I see you ordered a men's ring from our store, from your review, I understand that you are not satisfied with the product, I'm really sorry for that.
As a new seller,  we contribute to provide the best service and upgrade our product all the time. Customer's review has a direct impact to our business. For our quality control purposes, we want to know what is the defect of the product, could you briefly describe how did it broke?
And we would be happy to send you a new ring for free or issue you a full refund. Please reply us for to resolve this issue for you. Please giving us the opportunity to make this right. Thank you.
Dear customer,
We are very sorry for the unpleasant shopping experience, please accept our sincere apology.
May I ask what are the specific defects of our products? We want to know the question and suggest improvements to the factory. Hope you can understand and give us a chance to do it right and make it up to you :)
Looking forward to your reply, thank you.
我做的一个vine计划产品,本来没有评价的时候一天出个七八单,第一个也是差评,我也没有管他,订单就影响了一天,然后就又恢复到十单左右了,陆陆续续出了差评好评,现在评分3.5. 五个评价 三个好评 两个差评,差评原因其实是不会用,不是质量问题,我就在后边添加了一个使用视频,剩下的随他了,一开始做的时候我也很担心差评,现在做久了,佛系很多了,能争取的尽量争取,争取不到的就随缘吧,生意是生活的一部分,不是全部,大不了就重启来一个
我真的见过评分1.5分 每天坚持出十几单的产品,做过英国市场的知道 这个单量基本上能进小类目30的,很不错的业绩的,而且售价并不低


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