所在分类:  物流和仓储管理 所属圈子: 物流和仓储管理


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BeboGhattas - Amazon Seller - English Communications

赞同来自: success27 Rakiaaa

Only if you do have the B/L or the documents provided by carrier (Shipping company), You can handle it yourself

1. You should get the tracking number for the shipment (Bill of lading in this case)
2. Get the customs reference number (If customs detained shipment, they provide a tracking number to follow up)
3. Get a local German VA, to call customs on your behalf, Understand what is the problem, and if they need any documents based on regulations of your product
4. either let your VA follow up, or send email to customs with the tracking number and all related documents until cleared.

ONLY if you have reference/tracking number, things are easy
If not, You can only confront the shipping company


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