所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: 物流和仓储管理


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Dear Seller,

Thanks for contacting Amazon Seller Support!

I'm glad to assist you today. Regarding your questions, kindly refer to the information below:

The following notice is the Amazon direct to the buyer's notice, seller support has not yet received the specific notice

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About Amazon 2018 Peak season FBA delivery time policy

At the latest U.S. station this year, we will send your shipment to the US Amazon Operations Center (warehouse) by November 5, as far as possible, and we'll refuse to accept your merchandise later than that time.

We will release the warehousing restrictions on January 1, 2019 (Solar time), please adjust your delivery schedule according to the policy requirements.

For goods entering the Western warehouse, the ship will be open no later than October 10 (26 natural days after sailing);
In the United States and central warehouse cargo, the ship is open no later than October 1 (35 natural days after the departure of the boat);

Cargo entering the Eastern warehouse, the ship will be open no later than September 26 (40 natural days after sailing);

Goods entering the Western warehouse, the loading time is not later than October 28 (8 natural days after delivery);

In the United States/Dongcan cargo, the port of loading time is not later than October 27 (9 natural days after delivery);

This year's policy is actually very different from 2017-2018, the latest release in 2017 is December 17, the resumption of warehousing time 2018 years of January 1. Therefore, please select the appropriate time according to the shipping and air time provided by Amazon and contact the carrier SHANGFA replenishment.

Or do you want to connect other aspects of the content, you can specifically ask your questions, so that we help you solve. We are honored to be at your service.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

Smile778 - 磨刀不误砍柴工。

赞同来自: Fan Persie search eason2



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