所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon 知识产权 Amazon反不正当竞争


发帖10次 被置顶1次 被推荐1次 质量分1星 回帖互动120次 历史交流热度2% 历史交流深度0%
1.产品链接在美国站售卖已经很久了,想到通过改成美国英国都注册备案的其他品牌再去申诉,但是目前品牌很难改动,网上说的更改品牌的方法,删除后重新用模板上传,不断开case, case的回复都是一样的,改不了


3. 后台可以提交申诉,之前有在品牌网站授权给了英国账号使用,尝试了把美国的授权证明和品牌专利证书发过去申诉了一次,没有通过,回复如下。这种是不是也是只有几次申诉机会的呀?

Hello, ${IF SELLER IS PROVIDING CORRECTIVE ACTION} Thank you for submitting your plan of action. We reviewed your appeal and determined that the corrective action items you have listed have not been implemented. Please make sure all corrective actions have been completed to be in compliance with your plan of action. Has your listing been deactivated in error? If you believe there has been an error, please tell us why. Your explanation should include how your listing(s) have not violated the brand’s intellectual property along with documents mentioned above to support authenticity. Where do I send this information? If you are appealing an action we have taken on your listings for an intellectual property complaint, go to Received Intellectual Property Complaints in the Product Policy Compliance section on Account Health (https://sellercentral-europe.a ... em_mpa). Locate the deactivation record for the product listings you want to appeal and click on the Appeal button next to the record to submit your appeal to reactivate your listings. If you want to submit additional information, click on the “View appeal” button next to the deactivation record. Click the “Submit additional information” button to submit information necessary to reactivate your listings. What happens if I do not send the requested information? If we do not receive the requested information, the listing will remain removed and your account may be deactivated.




JimHuang - 80后创业者,跨境电商知识产权从业者,做困难而正确的事

赞同来自: Aaaaaaap Xiao丸丸子



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