社区 发现 Amazon 吐槽!!!亚马逊擅自给人贴标 还是错的标...
吐槽!!!亚马逊擅自给人贴标 还是错的标签 导致客户收到错误商品 退货率飙升
亚马逊是有什么毛病吗?为什么要擅自给人贴标?还是错的标签 导致客户收到错误商品 退货率飙升 还被客户投诉来了绩效
啊啊啊啊啊啊 要被气死了
开case检查 查到了几十个错误的 现在这几十个货被丢到不可售了 客服意思是 要我们自行移仓换标再移进来 !??
(看了回传过来的图片 我们的产品被二次贴了错误的标 所以是他们仓库人员的失误 现在要我们买单??)
14 个回复
赞同来自: darkzone
Relabeling by Amazon Warehouse:
Yes, we do relabeling. If we found any ASIN that was relabeled to different ASIN we'll contact you for correct matching ASIN. If you provide correct matching ASIN we'll relabel those units to correct matching ASIN. Sometimes Amazon would've relabeled incorrectly in those instance we'll find matching ASIN on our own and will start the relabeling process.
Relabeling Charges:
We don't charge for the relabeling process.
Providing Correct Labeling Information:
So regarding providing Correct labeling Information, when we confirm defect (Product is relabeled incorrectly) we'll contact you with images and will ask you for matching ASIN. You just need to provide ASIN for that. There is no need of providing digital copies. Just provide us correct matching ASIN.