所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon后台操作
悬赏金额:¥200.00 赏金总额:¥200.00 私密悬赏帖 【围观规则】


发帖6次 被置顶2次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动47次 历史交流热度19.05% 历史交流深度0%
1.  We noticed that the Manufacturer name from the IEC 60825-1 document does not match with the Manufacturer name from the product's Detail Page.

Therefore, we have to kindly ask you to update the product's Detail Page with the correct information in order to move forward with the approval process.
Kindly provide a letter with the below requirements from either the test facility or the manufacturer in the test report stating that the product make and model submitted by you is identical to the make and model listed in the testing documentation
a) Name and signature of company representative making the statement
b) Address of manufacturer/test facility
c) Seal



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