
发帖10次 被置顶1次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动54次 历史交流热度24.37% 历史交流深度0%
Hello , We removed the listings at the bottom of this message because we received a report from a rights owner alleging that the product or product packaging on the listing may infringe the rights owner’s copyright. The rights owner communication about the alleged infringement and the listings we removed are at the bottom of this message. Why did this happen? We received a report from a rights owner alleging that one or more of your listings may be infringing the intellectual property rights of others. Listing content infringing on the intellectual property of others is against our policies: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/521 We’re here to help. If you need help understanding how your listings may infringe the intellectual property rights of others, please visit the Intellectual Property Policy page in Seller Central Help: https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... 61070 Have your listings been removed in error? If you believe the product detail page for the ASIN below does not infringe on the copyright of others, you may submit an explanation. Please provide any one of the below documents to support your explanation of non-infringement: -- A letter of authorization or a licensing agreement from the rights owner demonstrating that you possess the right to use the copyrighted content claimed. External links are not accepted. You can find the contact information of the rights owner at the bottom of this message. For security reasons, we only accept attachments in the following file formats: .jpeg, .jpg, .pjpeg, .gif, .png, .tiff. -- An invoice directly from the rights owner to indicate that your products are original and are purchased from the rights owner directly. You can find the contact information of the rights owner at the bottom of this message. Alternatively, if you think that the rights owner has made an error in sending the notice, please reach out to the rights owner and ask them to submit a retraction of this notice. We may only accept retractions that the rights owner submits to us directly. We do not accept forwarded or attached retractions. These are the rights owner’s contact details: How do I submit this information? Go to Received Intellectual Property Complaints under the Product Policy Compliance section in Account Health: https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... m_mpa Locate the deactivation record for this product listing. Click on the Appeal button next to the listing deactivation record. Dispute the violation by submitting a DMCA counter-notice (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/G202017130) from the Explanation link located below the appeal form. What happens if I do not provide the requested information? If we do not receive a response, the listing will remain deactivated. The violation record will remain on your Account Health page for up to 180 days after the listing was deactivated or until the violation is successfully disputed. Deleting your listing on this ASIN does not sufficiently address the reason for the violation and will not result in its removal from your Account Health page. Leaving this and other listing violations unaddressed may result in account deactivation. Infringement type: Copyright on the product or product packaging





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