所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon各类申诉


发帖6次 被置顶1次 被推荐1次 质量分0星 回帖互动79次 历史交流热度5.64% 历史交流深度0%
商品只在美国站点销售,以前的老产品自动同步到了加拿大站点,但是库存一直都是0,从来没有上架售卖过。去年12月刚接触亚马逊,什么也不懂,接手的店铺也是随便运营的,之前的运营把品牌名写的跟店铺名一样,我接手之后把美国站错误的产品品牌全部修改成现在的品牌了,图片也修改为更优质的,也增加了A+, 结果美国站没出问题,加拿大站点出问题了,问了我们经理,说又不是美国站不用管,就一直放在那也没管过,结果碰到最近扫号,10.12收到一封邮件,说加拿大站点被暂时冻结了,怕影响到美国站所以想着申诉吧,就这个ASIN写了恳切的认错信,谁知道一直申诉都不过,求大家救救孩子吧,真的急死了。



 Dear seller performance team,

How are you today!
I am very sorry that we got a policy warning about we asin violates creation and listing policies.
We called a meeting to find out the reasons for the mistake:
1.The sales is new from amazon, he didn’t know the policy
2.He was anxious to make a profit and accidentally modification product brands.

We checked all our listings, and removed all the Non-compliant listing, including the ASINs:  XXX  XXX XXX.Please check!

The actions taken to prevent policy violations in the future: 
1)We print and distribute Amazon's embargoed statement to each of our staff. Everyone is required to be familiar with Amazon's listing policies. Avoid violating creation and listing policies on Amazon;
2)We changed our training rules, all new sales need at least one week amazon platform training  to make sure the new stuff knows amazon policy and how to update your listings from the Manage Inventory page;
3)We also asked our IT staff to list Amazon contraband in our ERP system. If any staff member uploads Amazon contraband, our IT staff will know immediately and block them to avoid uploading to Amazon.
4)We add the customer service checking and answer all the performance notifications at least once per day and will reply the POA within 24 hours.
5)We check the account health once per day to make sure that we alway comply in amazon policy

 We are a new seller on Amazon and we rarely violated Amazon’s selling policy when we started selling on Amazon till now. So we sincerely hope Amazon can give us a new chance to serving Amazon guests better on Amazon. Your great help will be highly appreciated.We will always try to provide better customer service and product in amazon policy.

Have a good day!




 Dear seller performance team,

How are you today!
I am very sorry that we got a policy warning about we asin violates creation and listing policies.
We called a meeting to find out the reasons for the mistake:
1.The sales is new from amazon, he didn’t know the policy
2.He was anxious to make a profit and accidentally modification product brands.

We checked all our listings, and removed all the Non-compliant listing, including the ASINs:  XXX  XXX XXX.Please check!

The actions taken to prevent policy violations in the future: 
1)We print and distribute Amazon's embargoed statement to each of our staff. Everyone is required to be familiar with Amazon's listing policies. Avoid violating creation and listing policies on Amazon;
2)We changed our training rules, all new sales need at least one week amazon platform training  to make sure the new stuff knows amazon policy and how to update your listings from the Manage Inventory page;
3)We also asked our IT staff to list Amazon contraband in our ERP system. If any staff member uploads Amazon contraband, our IT staff will know immediately and block them to avoid uploading to Amazon.
4)We add the customer service checking and answer all the performance notifications at least once per day and will reply the POA within 24 hours.
5)We check the account health once per day to make sure that we alway comply in amazon policy

 We are a new seller on Amazon and we rarely violated Amazon’s selling policy when we started selling on Amazon till now. So we sincerely hope Amazon can give us a new chance to serving Amazon guests better on Amazon. Your great help will be highly appreciated.We will always try to provide better customer service and product in amazon policy.

Have a good day!



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