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new version:VC帐号可以用表格上传,我想知道用自己公司的VC帐号通过表格帮别的普通帐号上传可行不可行?

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new version(newer version)
有人知道普通帐号怎么使用吗?开case问客服 就回答:
However, I would like to inform you that to protect the customer buying experience and catalog quality, we are currently reviewing all products with the "newer version" relationship in our catalog, and removing those which we can identify as incorrect. During this review, we will not be accepting new relationships from third party sellers.
Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

Thank you for contacting us.

We are sorry to inform you that we cannot process your request for the ASINs A and B. We reviewed the ASINs and found that the attributes for these products do not qualify for adding the ASINs as a new model.

Please let us know how we did.
Were you satisfied with the support provided?
普通帐号找到了上传入口 但是试了很多个产品 也符合要求的 最后亚马逊回复都是不行



New version, 的listing 得是VC下的listing。
SC可能没有new version 这个关系吧?


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