所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon日本 Amazon各类申诉

日本站账号被判二刷 申诉拒死 账号有差不多10W美金 服务商 佣金费高的吓人 账号总金额的25% 请问怎么申诉资金 诉回来的概率大不大 申诉具体的流程该怎么走?

发帖9次 被置顶7次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动9次 历史交流热度1.75% 历史交流深度0%
11月日本主号被判二刷  申诉拒死  账号的10W美金 怎么申诉回来?问了服务商  佣金费高的吓人 账号总金额的25%
具体情况是  账号是2014年的老号   法人是我自己  个人账号  不是公司注册的账号
1.请问申诉怎么做  需要什么资料(如果哪位朋友有申诉成功的经理 请附上相关资料作为附件  非常感谢)
2.这种情况 资金申诉回来的概率大不大

是凉茶啊 - 自发货,501个亚马逊站点

赞同来自: Toda Hinamosann

We did not succeed in selling the ASINs listed by Amazon. Our products are very ordinary products in China. After we listed it as an infringing product, we immediately removed it. We feel very helpless. Amazon seized funds from our other products, which we think is unreasonable. If you can’t sell normally, then we will get back the funds that belong to us, and we will give up the right to sell! I hope Amazon can treat sellers correctly. We very much hope to serve consumers in Amazon.com, but in the year of operation, we encountered various problems such as closing stores and products. So we are helpless. We are now very sure to give up sales, but hope that Amazon will return the sales funds that belong to us. Because we also have to survive. If we can't get our funds back, it may seriously affect our food and clothing problems. So trouble to lower the final payment for settlement. thanks
Hello Amazon:

This reply is that we have not provided other certificates to prove the compliance of our products, because our products have been off the shelf in the previous 90 days. We regret that we did not keep the previous procurement information in time. Now we hope Amazon can settle the funds of some orders that we have not violated, because we have paid a lot and our cost is very large. We are very sorry that we have not kept the purchase information intact. We are willing to give up the order funds raised by the performance team. I hope Amazon can understand us and settle the funds for other orders. thank you!

是凉茶啊 - 自发货,501个亚马逊站点

赞同来自: Toda Hinamosann

We did not succeed in selling the ASINs listed by Amazon. Our products are very ordinary products in China. After we listed it as an infringing product, we immediately removed it. We feel very helpless. Amazon seized funds from our other products, which we think is unreasonable. If you can’t sell normally, then we will get back the funds that belong to us, and we will give up the right to sell! I hope Amazon can treat sellers correctly. We very much hope to serve consumers in Amazon.com, but in the year of operation, we encountered various problems such as closing stores and products. So we are helpless. We are now very sure to give up sales, but hope that Amazon will return the sales funds that belong to us. Because we also have to survive. If we can't get our funds back, it may seriously affect our food and clothing problems. So trouble to lower the final payment for settlement. thanks
Hello Amazon:

This reply is that we have not provided other certificates to prove the compliance of our products, because our products have been off the shelf in the previous 90 days. We regret that we did not keep the previous procurement information in time. Now we hope Amazon can settle the funds of some orders that we have not violated, because we have paid a lot and our cost is very large. We are very sorry that we have not kept the purchase information intact. We are willing to give up the order funds raised by the performance team. I hope Amazon can understand us and settle the funds for other orders. thank you!


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