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产品被投诉安全问题,product safety concern,只是家居用品,没有带电,投诉划手,请问我该怎么做

发帖4次 被置顶1次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动83次 历史交流热度8% 历史交流深度0%
We ask that you please respond with the appropriate documentation within 15 days by taking the following steps:

1. MOST IMPORTANT: Submit all relevant safety testing data and certification for the product in English. Include testing specifically related to the incident in question. Please refer to the attached word document of “Product Compliance Guidelines” if you have any questions. PLEASE NOTE: An MSDS does not suffice for safety testing.

Please provide the appropriate standard for this product . If you have questions about the appropriate standards for the product, please consult with the laboratory directly

2. Provide images of the product (front, back, accessories, and packaging); safety/compliance marks and logos (e.g. FCC, UL, and ETL); and safety labels and warnings on the product or packaging. Please also attach the, model number, serial number, UPC code and a copy of the instruction manual.

Thank you for your cooperation on this important matter.

Please note:
Your product will be removed from the website if we do not hear back from you with the requested documents within the next 15 days.

To see the file named 'US_CA+Product+Compliance+Guidelines+-+17025.pdf' included with this correspondence, please use the Seller Central case link given below the signature.

Best Regards,

Mauricio R.
Amazon.com Product Safety

If you are not the original recipient of this message, please do not reply to this message and respond via the following link: http://sellercentral.amazon.co ... vc%3F

NOTE: If you have FBA inventory associated with the listings above, it will be stranded and subject to required removals if the ASINs are not reinstated within 30 days. To avoid this please appeal and provide documentations at your earliest opportunity. For details on when your units are scheduled for automatic removal visit Fix stranded inventory: https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... tory/ 
Please note that you must ensure removal/disposal orders are successfully executed.

If you experience any issues, please contact seller support using: https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... _home



很简单    邮件已经告诉你了呀   US_CA+Product+Compliance+Guidelines+-+17025    可以找服务商 看有没有做这个认证的   顺便做一下cpc  如果带电或者可以用电使用的  做ul认证   一个星期吧    提交这些认证  再加上   产品图  包装详情资料  说明书  就可以恢复了  。亚马逊回复 你的   已经告诉你该怎么做了。赶紧去做吧。这个应该也不是恶意投诉啊之类的,就可能是你的产品确实存在安全隐患,然后呢,或者是你售后没有处理好,导致客户不满意,然后去亚马逊投诉了,而且第一次亚马逊是不会让你提供这些资料的,会根据情况给你警告,你勾一下就没事了。现在你要提交资料的话,应该是被举报多次了,问题频繁出现,亚马逊就是想督促你去解决这个问题,避免再次出现这种投诉。



很简单    邮件已经告诉你了呀   US_CA+Product+Compliance+Guidelines+-+17025    可以找服务商 看有没有做这个认证的   顺便做一下cpc  如果带电或者可以用电使用的  做ul认证   一个星期吧    提交这些认证  再加上   产品图  包装详情资料  说明书  就可以恢复了  。亚马逊回复 你的   已经告诉你该怎么做了。赶紧去做吧。这个应该也不是恶意投诉啊之类的,就可能是你的产品确实存在安全隐患,然后呢,或者是你售后没有处理好,导致客户不满意,然后去亚马逊投诉了,而且第一次亚马逊是不会让你提供这些资料的,会根据情况给你警告,你勾一下就没事了。现在你要提交资料的话,应该是被举报多次了,问题频繁出现,亚马逊就是想督促你去解决这个问题,避免再次出现这种投诉。


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