亚马逊货件索赔 ISA和货件不对应 解决了所有权证明 没想到货件索赔居然卡在了POD这一步了 各位有好的解决办法吗?

发帖12次 被置顶1次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动224次 历史交流热度10.58% 历史交流深度0%
  解决了所有权证明 没想到货件索赔居然卡在了POD这一步了 

  众所周知,想找亚马逊的仓库提供盖章的POD现在是比较玄学的一件事 货代们基本都是只提供ISA预约截图来作为POD的 之前倒也还行 正常赔偿过几次

  但是最近连续两次索赔 都遇到开case 客服回复 这票货件和这个ISA number不对应的问题,请问下论坛的各位大佬有无什么解决方案 已经找货代再三确认了 货代反馈就是用这个ISA送进去的 送仓的时候 邮箱也是正常收到了“卓越亚马逊物流收货货件”的邮件提示的 


Also, the submitted BOL is not stamped. ISA shared, i.e ISA# 7XXXXXX is not associated with the aforementioned shipment, hence will not be considered as valid either.
Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,
We received your request to investigate items missing from FBAXXXX.

I have checked our database with the ISA however we were unable to confirm the delivery Also as the carrier is non Amazon partnered carrier, we need stamped BOL as a proof of delivery.

To help facilitate faster research, please provide valid proof of delivery (POD).


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