所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon政策规则


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 I have highlighted the above because as per the recent Policy update, the Amazon catalog specialists have launched a single node assignment program. The new program is designed to improve sellers' chances of their items being discovered which in-turn increases their sales potential.

Although hard to believe, after extensive research they have found that actually having multiple nodes intertwines the search-ability within the system and caused cross conflict of category information for an item resulting in a sales decline.

Existing ASINs that already have 2 or more nodes assigned to them may remain, however, attempts are being made to reduce them to one. Going forward, all new ASINs in the catalog are to have only a single node assigned to them.

In light of the above, I would like to ask if you wish to remove the current Browse node and assign the suggested node XXXXXXX

SAMLEE - 请叫我圆圆




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