
发帖3次 被置顶1次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动38次 历史交流热度0% 历史交流深度0%
1. 现在还没有进行申诉,这种情况写POA申诉成功的概率大吗?另外能否分享一份模板跪谢

2. 有的产品发了海运,目前在途,后面到了还能移库存吗? 因为listing被删除,只剩下有库存的产品在Fix stranded inventory可以操作

3. 同行竞品好几个之前观察的都是正常售卖,也是中国卖家,为什么我被封店了,产品和他们完全一样,不过我的供应商没有版权授权书,不确定他们有没有


阿海@三只蚂蚁 - 长风破浪会有时 直挂云帆济沧海




-加大产品品牌/专利/真伪方面的检测 100%确定没有问题才会上架



Dear sir/madam,

Thanks for your patience about our issue. We extremely apologize for the inconvenience to you.

We got to recognize that we made a mistake and may infringe the intellectual property rights of others. When we received your email about this issue we have created remove order of our FBA stock to prevent the similar complaint. Now we have send an email to


at June 15, 2017 plead them to withdraw the complaint and we have to make a commitment to them: we will never sell this products again in the future and to our behavior made the most sincere words of apology, and we also Cc the email to Amazon, but we haven’t received any responded up until now. We will keep our eyes on this issue and I hope that we can find an amicable solution to this issue through the consultation process.

We take the following measures after we got your email:

1. Since we got the Warning Notice of Intellectual Property Rights Infringement about our ASIN: 侵权的ASIN码 may infringe the intellectual property rights of others, we have remove all the inventory stop selling at first time, now we have deleted this listing now and we no longer sell it again.

2. We have contact the rights owner for retracting the complaints and made the most sincere words of apology, but we haven’t received any responded up until now, we will closely watch the reply.

About this issue, we have taken the following steps to help us to resolve the issue and prevent similar complaints.

1. We have checked all the listing detail from title, image, description and bullet point to ensure have no information in misunderstanding. And we are firmly deleting all the listings that could show any signs of conflicts with intellectual property rights.

2. We have establish the professional handling team to take care of listing 100% match on description, images, bullet points, & search terms, etc. Never make more mistakes of the Product Design or Brand.

3. We have organized our own research department to make sure we can sell our own products with our own design & model instead of purchasing from our supplier, to prevent any possible infringement problems on Trademarks & Packages & Design.

4. All of the email or complaint answered and resolve under 24 hours. Provide a good after-sales service.

Hope you can give me a chance again. If there’s any other information you need, please feel free to contact us.

Yours sincerely,店铺名 Appeal Service


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