所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon各类申诉

错误商品导致链接下架,要提供发票。补开发票后提供,结果说要之前的发票。第二次申诉提供之前的收据,采购合同,送货单,就回复We have not received sufficient Value-Added Tax (VAT) documents.

发帖2次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动16次 历史交流热度13.33% 历史交流深度0%
客户投诉错误商品导致链接inactive, 要提供过去365天发票,没有发票只能补开。



1. 收到inactive的原文:
We removed some of your listings because of buyer complaints that these items did not accurately match the description mentioned in the product detail page. Customers complained that they received the wrong item or wrong brand entirely. The listings we removed are at the bottom of this message.

Why did I receive this message?
Amazon has several product detail and listing policies to ensure customers have a consistent buying experience and receive items in the condition they expect.

Learn more about our policies in Seller Central Help:

Product Detail Page Rules (http://sellercentral.amazon.de/gp/help/200390640)
Condition Guidelines (http://sellercentral.amazon.de/gp/help/200339950)
Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions (http://sellercentral.amazon.de/gp/help/200386250)

How do I reactivate my listings?
To reactivate your listings, please provide us the following information:

A plan of action that identifies:

The issue(s) that you believe caused the wrong item complaints about your items.
The actions you have taken to resolve the issue(s) that caused these complaints about your items.
The steps you have taken to prevent future complaints about the condition of your items.

Here are a few things to consider as you create your plan:

Sourcing: Are you sourcing the product from a trusted supplier?
Listing: Is the product accurately described on Amazon? Have you ensured that there is no ambiguity and the customer is well informed?
Packaging: Is the product in its original packaging as listed on Amazon?
Shipping: Have you taken all appropriate steps and quality checks to ensure that the product is stored, packed, and shipped appropriately?
Review your communications from buyers to better understand the issues.
Be as specific as possible in your plan.
Do not limit your plan to issues with specific orders.

Copies of invoices or receipts from your supplier issued in the last 365 days for the ASINs listed below

These documents should reflect your sales volume during the last 365 days.
Please include contact information for your supplier, including name, phone number, address, and website. We may contact your supplier to verify the documents. We will maintain the confidentiality of your supplier contact information.
You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. For ease of our review, you may highlight or circle the ASIN(s) under review.

You can only send .pdf, .jpg, .png, or .gif files. These documents must be authentic and unaltered.

2. 第一次申诉提供完补开发票后的回复:

We received your submission but do not have enough information to address the issues with your listings at this time. We cannot accept this invoice because it was issued after the date we specified. 

To reactivate your listings, please send us send additional invoices issued before 06/10/2021 for the items listed above.

Please also make sure that your invoices or receipts are issued within the last 365 days and include the following information:
--These documents should reflect your sales volume during the last 365 days.
--Please include contact information for your supplier, including name, phone number, address, and website. We will maintain the confidentiality of your supplier contact information.
--You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. For ease of our review, you may highlight or circle the ASIN(s) under review.

3. 提供了收据,采购合同,工厂送货单第二次申诉得到的回复如下:
Hello, We are still reviewing your account. We will send you an email when we finish the review. 
We may not respond to further emails about this issue.
Sincerely, Merchant Review Team Amazon.de


We received your submission but do not have enough information to address the issues with your listings at this time. We have not received sufficient Value-Added Tax (VAT) documents. 

What happens now?
Your listings for the below item(s) will remain inactive. If we receive more complaints about your listings, we may deactivate your Amazon seller account.

You can view your account’s performance at (https://sellercentral-europe.a ... _em_pq) or select "Account Health" on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS (https://itunes.apple.com/de/ap ... mt%3D8) or Android (https://play.google.com/store/ ... Dde_DE) device. The Account Health dashboard shows how well your account is performing against the performance metrics and policies required to sell on Amazon.
Merchant Review Team





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