所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon账号审核

添加CPC认证, 上传检测报告和CPC证书后提示这个, 要我去后台填写商品使用年龄, 但我已经用库存文件上传好了, 还是不行. 是我写错地方了吗? 正确的地方应该在哪里, 有知道的不.

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We are still missing the following documents required to proceed with the approval process for your ASIN B08XXXXXXX.
1) We noticed that the recommended Age Grade of the ASIN is missing on the product(s) detail page.
Please update the product(s) detail page with the recommended Age Grading (the manufacturer_minimum_age attribute) identified on the ASINs third party test report in order to move forward with the approval process.
For information on our compliance requirements and details on how to submit the documents, please refer to our help pages listed at the bottom of this email.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation.

是我写错地方了吗?  正确的地方应该在哪里,有知道的不.


赞同来自: 大吉大利666666

按要求在产品后台填写产品适用年龄即可,要求与检测报告测试年龄相符合。否则也会引起审核 不通过


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