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发帖6次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动38次 历史交流热度10.67% 历史交流深度0%

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

We reviewed your account and determined you are not eligible to sell [Kids and Baby Furniture] products. We evaluated the information you provided, but it did not pass our review. 

We apologize for any inconvenience our decision has caused you. We took this action to ensure the mutual success of our sellers and buyers on our site. 

This decision doesn’t necessarily reflect poorly on you or your seller account. We take a number of factors into consideration. 

We value your participation and hope that you will continue to sell on Amazon in an effort to build your performance history. 

To help us continually improve, we ask that you take a moment to complete our survey below to tell us about your experience with this specific interaction.

Were you satisfied with the support provided?

嗯迪LenYX7777 - TOP Wechat July77ya




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