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Hello from Amazon,

We are writing to let you know that the following detail pages have been removed from our catalog:
The listings have been identified as not being in compliance with the Federal Trade Commission’s Energy Labeling Rule.  If you list an offer on a product that falls under the Energy Labeling Rule, it’s your responsibility to ensure the proper label, icon, or water use information is displayed on the detail page.  Buyers will not be able to see your offers until the appropriate label, icon or water use information is added.  

For instructions on providing the required information, please follow the instructions available at https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... 14570 .  

Please note, the process to correctly upload your widget and obtain compliance can take up to 2 weeks.

The listings have been identified as not being in compliance with the Federal Trade Commission’s Energy Labeling Rule.  If you list an offer on a product that falls under the Energy Labeling Rule, it’s your responsibility to ensure the proper label, icon, or water use information is displayed on the detail page.  Buyers will not be able to see your offers until the appropriate label, icon or water use information is added.  

For instructions on providing the required information, please follow the instructions available at https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... 14570 .  

Please note, the process to correctly upload your widget and obtain compliance can take up to 2 weeks.

Why is this happening?
We took this action because this product is not permitted for sale on Amazon.com. It is your obligation to make sure the products you offer comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and Amazon's policies.

What actions do I need to take?
- If any of the above ASINs are Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) offers, please initiate a removal request for the ASIN(s) referenced above to have your inventory sent to a location of your choosing. If you fail to initiate a removal request within 30 days of this notification, we may dispose of it in accordance with the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement and FBA policies. For more information on our FBA policies, please review https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/201030350 and https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... 0860.
- Within 48 hours of this warning, please review your listings and close, delete, or archive any listings that do not comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and Amazon's policies, including the product(s) listed above.
Please note that moving a restricted product listing to Inactive (Out of Stock) does not make the listing compliant. If you think your product was incorrectly identified as a restricted product on Amazon, close the listing immediately to ensure compliance while you appeal the restriction with Seller Support.

What happens if I fail to follow the above instructions?
Failure to properly close or delete all restricted product listings from your inventory may result in the deactivation of your selling account, and funds may be permanently held.


Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

As per your email, I understand your concern regarding ASIN where you would like to reinstate the listing.

I regret the inconvenience caused to you. Please let me assist you. 

Upon investigation, please be informed that Amazon has removed your product as this product has been identified as not being in compliance with the Federal Trade Commission’s Energy Labeling Rule. You may verify from the below provided link:
Performance notifications

Please be acknowledged that if you list an offer on a product that falls under the Energy Labeling Rule, it’s your responsibility to ensure the proper label, icon, or water use information is displayed on the detail page. Buyers will not be able to see your offers until the appropriate label, icon or water use information is added. 

As per policy, Amazon maintain a marketplace that is safe for buyers and fair to sellers. Defects and policy violations in your selling account should be addressed quickly to ensure there are no disruptions to your selling account.

In this regard, please be informed that Amazon took this action because this product is not permitted for sale on Amazon.com. It is your obligation to make sure the products you offer comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and Amazon's policies.

Further, please be informed that if you believe the product listed above are permitted for sale on Amazon, please include evidence or documentation demonstrating that your account has not violated our restricted products policy. We will investigate upon this.

Please refer to the below provided link:
Performance notifications
https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... 4124c

For more information, please visit the below help page:

Restricted products
https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... 1D9RT

Energy Labeling Rule 
https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... 1D9RT

Product detail page rules 
https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... 1D9RT

Your patience and understanding is appreciated.

If you have any other concern please contact us back by creating a new case.

We wish you health and success!

To help us continually improve, we ask that you take a moment to complete our survey below to tell us about your experience with this specific interaction.

Were you satisfied with the support provided?

Click here for yes: 
https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... %3Dhy
Click here for no: 
https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... %3Dhn 

Thank you! 

To view your case details, or respond, please click http://sellercentral.amazon.co ... 16411

Please note: this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. If you require additional support please contact us https://sellercentral.amazon.com/hz/contact-us

Thank you for selling with Amazon,

Krishna M.




