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案件号:23-CV-3378,被大卫律师事务所起诉,2023.6.26 店铺收到资金冻结邮件,有处理过这种问题的大佬和前辈请不吝赐教!

发帖4次 被置顶1次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动197次 历史交流热度22.87% 历史交流深度0%

Hello from Amazon, We are writing to inform you that we removed some of your listings and your disbursements from your seller account have been placed on hold. We took this action in accordance with a Temporary Restraining Order issued by a federal court. Items that infringe another party's copyright, patent, trademark, design right, database right, or other intellectual property or other proprietary right are prohibited. For more information on this policy, search on "Prohibited Content" in seller Help. To resolve this dispute, we suggest that you contact the rights owner directly: RO Contact info: Thousand Oaks Barrel Co. LLC Law Offices of David Gulbransen 805 Lake Street, Suite 172, Oak Park, Illinois 60301 312.361.0825 23-CV-3378 If you resolve this matter with the rights owner, please advise them to contact us to withdraw their complaint. Please be advised that we are not in a position to provide any further information regarding this action, nor to address any messages directed to us in appeal. We may not respond to further emails about this issue. Failure to comply with our policies may result in the removal of your Amazon.com selling privileges.We appreciate your cooperation.Sincerely, Seller Performance Team Amazon.com

我就在这里直接给你评论了,我的建议是不要找服务商,第一不能直接获得一手消息,第二你找的服务商不一定是站在你这边的,很现实的话。再者就是你现在还在卖,服务商会吃回扣的,你把情况都和服务商说明了,被拿捏的是你。都说律师事务所不会和个人和解,太多这种屁话了,还说David回复的很慢,TM的David回复比你对象给你发微信都快,我一天和David邮件2 3次,我女神都不一定回我一次。你就锁死1W刀,自己和David谈4轮,是有机会谈下来的,服务商那边最少1W5 2W刀,他们吃多少是看你心情急不急迫,你越想快吃你越多,而且谈的是真的很慢,你谈好国内营业厅直接电汇打款更方便,服务商还要砍你个手续费,仁者见仁智者见智,David邮箱很好找,我发你两个。(david@gulbransenlaw.com这个主要是谈和解金的,lawsuit@gulbransenlaw.com这个一般是处理各种事项,给你发邮件告诉你你被起诉了的,都能联系。晚上8.30发邮件,9 10了点会回你一封,早上10点再发,其他时间不咋回)


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