所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon 检测认证合规 Amazon各类申诉


发帖1次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动28次 历史交流热度66.67% 历史交流深度0%
遇到查验由于海关要求的检测报告和亚马逊要求的不一样,重新做加上港口那边的滞留费比较贵货代让销毁,谁知道海关直接把扣货通知书发给了亚马逊,导致页面被删除下架,亚马逊让联系CPB的合规官,不然就召回啥的,并让提供CPB的书面副本,确认ASIN已由该机构重新测试并且可以继续销售。 如果没有此类确认,ASINs将作为防范措施, 亚马逊将继续禁止显示。


第一封:U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) notified us that they have seized a shipment of your product [B07PLQ, B09Q] at the port of Los Angeles, CA on August 9, 2022. As a courtesy, we are providing you with a copy of the CBP Notice of Seizure, indicating that your product was seized for the violation of 15 USC 2068. This notice would have been previously provided to your carrier or customs brokerage provider and the address of the Importer of Record (IOR) on file with customs at time of entry.  If you have not received this notice previously, please contact your provider.

Please note that this notice is still under internal review at Amazon and may result in action against your account or product listing. If you believe this import enforcement action by the Government was taken in error, please refer to the attached Notice of Seizure for instructions on filing a petition with CBP. If CBP approves your petition, please provide a copy of the successful petition to gl-customs-inquiries@amazon.com for review.

Thank you,

Amazon, Global Trade Services


第二封:I am writing to inform you of a compliance matter needing your immediate attention involving the Customs Border Protection (“CBP”) regarding ASINs: B07PLQ, B09Q
On 9/26/2022, Amazon received the enclosed letter from the CBP outlining the CBP allegation that the Subject Product (ASINs B07PL, B09Q) violates a mandatory consumer product safety rule under the CPSA (or any other rule, regulation, standard, or ban under the CPSA or any other Act enforced by the CBP) or contains a defect that presents a substantial product hazard under CPSA Section 15(a)(1) or (2).
Amazon respectfully requests that you agree to the voluntary Stop-Sale and that you immediately do the following:
1. Email the following contact at the CBP: Jeffrey Parisi, Compliance Officer
- Email: jeffrey.a.parisi@cbp.dhs.gov
2. Please share with the CBP that you are writing to them in relation to the voluntary recall of your products, ASIN B07P- B09Q6, which you sold on Amazon.
3. Respond to this case with:
a) A screenshot of your email to the regulator as requested on steps 1 and 2.
b) Test reports to 16 CFR 1500.14(b)(8)(ii)(C) and (ASTM) D-4236, 16 CFR 1500.14(b)(8)(i)(C)(7) issued by a 17025 ISO certified laboratory and the respective Children’s Product Certificate (CPC) 
The CBP has set certain deadlines with respect to a potential recall of ASINs B07PL- B09Q6, so it is crucial that you respond to this case with the requested information within the next 24 hours. If you need additional time to obtain test reports, please indicate so in your response. Please be aware that if you do not do so, and Amazon must take action on B07PLQ- B09Q on your behalf, it will seek reimbursement from you for the cost of the process and the remedy offered to customers.
Please note, if we do not hear back from you within the next 24 hours, your seller privileges may be revoked according to your Business Solution Agreement.
Thank you for your response to our inquiry on sample number 2022270400109. We appreciate your confirmation that you are actively engaged with the CPSC.

Amazon is currently waiting for this NOV's resolution so that in the case of a recall, we may facilitate the notification to consumers that purchased the affected products through our public recall notification process.

We request that you keep us updated on your engagement with the CPSC and the progress of the recall notification by providing a summary and screen shots of your engagement with the CPSC on sample number 2022270400109 every 14 days until the matter is resolved.

Thank you for your cooperation.

感谢您一直以来的耐心等待!关于您申请恢复ASIN: B09Q在售的请求,在此调查期间让您等待我们深表歉意。



写信给他们的有关自愿停止销售您在亚马逊上销售的商品。 并提供CPB的书面副本,确认ASIN已由该机构重新测试并且可以继续销售。 如果没有此类确认,ASINs将作为防范措施,亚马逊将继续禁止显示。



2)由CPSC批准认可的实验室出具的测试报告,日期在RC当日或之后,确认符合ASTM F963-17 (玩具)、CPSIA (铅、邻苯二甲酸盐)和16 CFR 1501 (小零件测试(或ASTM F963-17 (小物品)的第4.6部分)要求注意:商品的所有钢笔必须进行测试,而不仅仅是黑红色。 此外,请确保测试包含零件编号、型号、UPC编号或任何可帮助我们识别和确认在亚马逊上销售的相同编号的编号*

3)由制造商、进口商或私人标签商根据消费品安全委员会网站上陈述的指南签发的儿童商品证书(CPC)。 有关儿童产品证书的更多信息,请参阅消费品安全委员会网站:https://www.cpsc.gov/Testing-C ... e-CPC



有关追踪标签的CPSC指南,请参阅https://www.cpsc.gov/Business- ... label






1. 先联系CPB的人
2. 说明这票货自愿召回停止在亚马逊上销售
3. 截图和CPB联系的邮件来往
4. 提供认可实验室检测报告和CPC
5. 提供追踪标签
6. 与CPSC的合作证明以及行动计划
三. 这批货跟货代去交涉搞不出来可以弃掉, 弄出来也是不合规销售
四. 申诉成功后下批货按要求包装提供标签等


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