所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon销售和运营

请问你们有没有遇到这样的: 图片不知道是被亚马逊篡改还是被人篡改,一条链接昨天换了副图和A+,主图没动。A+没多久就正常显示了,主图和副图变成了其他的图片,我要怎么才能吧图片改回来呢?

发帖31次 被置顶1次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动414次 历史交流热度26.49% 历史交流深度0%
一条链接昨天换了副图和A+,主图没动。A+没多久就正常显示了,主图和副图变成了其他的图片,然后图片死活换不回去了。亚马逊是这样回复的:As informed earlier, the images you have requested updates on has already been claimed by another representative of the brand the ASIN is currently listed under.

We are unable to make updates per your request; instead, we recommend that you reach out to the account of the winning contributor in order to agree on the changes. Once you both brand representatives conclude on the new values, the other account can make the necessary updates via Seller Central.

I've confirmed that the information you received on [6/1/2022] is correct and that we're not able to address the decision any further.




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