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自己站内促销42单,全额出单18单(含刷单5单),客户cancel16单(含刷单被cancel)。目前一个评价也没有,只是按了站内的request a review,针对这个产品具体按了多少个订单不记得了?,但最多一天10个订单(含其他产品),而且不是连着几天来的。目前还剩下好多库存,这个账号又是新账号,之前还因为设置错促销0元购了而收到亚马逊的警告(没申诉成功),所以除了担心库存还担心再次失败对账号有影响。


1. 这个有没有可能是因为在评价多上刷了单,而刷单账号出现问题而牵连的?(毕竟现在一个review或者评分都没有,刷那5单也是十多天前的刷的),而产品B一起上架的,站内促销203单,全额出单19单,客户cancel11单,没做评价多也一样操作request a review,没有被block。

2.有没有可能因为产品本身单少,而request a review比例大了,导致被下架?

3.这种情况下,申诉的时候 需要把自己刷单(评价多)的事情上报吗?




We believe you may have offered some compensation for customers to write reviews on your products. As a result we have removed certain listings, which you can find on your Account Health page in Seller Central.

Why did I receive this message?
Offering any sort of compensation for customers to write reviews is against our Customer Reviews policy. This violation has a negative impact on your account health; and, if left unaddressed, it may lead to account deactivation. Sellers are not allowed to manipulate customer reviews or ratings. Amazon policy prohibits activities such as:
-- Offering a third-party a financial reward, discount, free products, or other compensation in exchange for a review on their product or their competitor's product. This includes using services that sell customer reviews, websites, or social media groups.
-- Offering to provide a refund or reimbursement after the buyer writes a review, which includes reimbursement via a non-Amazon payment method. This could be done via buyer-seller messaging on Amazon or directly contacting customers or using third-party services, websites, or social media groups.
-- Using a third-party service that offers free or discounted products tied to a review. For example, a review club that requires customers to register their Amazon public profile so that sellers can monitor their reviews.

Amazon strives to maintain customer trust and provide the best possible shopping experience. We investigate and take actions when we detect any attempts to manipulate customer reviews. You can learn more about our "Customer product reviews policy" in Seller Central:
https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... 5TURN

How do I address this issue?
Submit a plan of action that explains how you violated our policy and the actions you will take to remedy the situation. To be accepted, the plan of action must include all of the following information:
-- A detailed description of all methods you used to post or obtain customer reviews that are prohibited by the Amazon Customer Reviews policy.
-- Contact information such as name, email address, and website, of any third parties you engaged to obtain prohibited reviews or manipulate reviews.
-- Identifying information for any customer accounts you or a third party used to post prohibited reviews.
-- A list of any prohibited reviews you obtained. Please provide inactive and  active review IDs or review links of those reviews. Review ID example: RVBTR9XXXXMM. Review link example: 
https://www.amazon.com/gp/cust ... XXMM.
-- Documentation such as emails or receipts from any such third party confirming that you used their service.
-- A detailed plan that explains how you will prevent customer reviews manipulation in the future.

Once you have gathered the information requested above, visit your Account Health page and follow the guidance in the "Next Steps" column next to the policy warning to submit your plan of action:
https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... nings

What happens if I do not submit a valid plan of action?
If you do not submit a valid POA, your listing will continue to be deactivated and this infraction will continue to impact your Account Health Rating for 180 days following the date on which it was posted to your account.

Have you received the policy warning in error?
If you believe there has been an error, please submit an explanation by following the guidance in the "Next Steps" column next to the policy warning on your Account Health page. Your explanation should include evidence that demonstrates your account did not violate our Customer Reviews policy.
1. 这个有没有可能是因为在评价多上刷了单,而刷单账号出现问题而牵连的?(毕竟现在一个review或者评分都没有,刷那5单也是十多天前的刷的),而产品B一起上架的,站内促销203单,全额出单19单,客户cancel11单,没做评价多也一样操作request a review,没有被block。
是A刷单的原因,request a review是官方指定的索评方式,不管你点多少个,都不会有任何影响的,这个警告是因为在评论多刷单的行为导致的,关于B站内促销的问题,你说的这些完全合规,何况即使不合规,收到的警告邮件也会是操纵排名的警告,不会是这种刷单的警告,所以完全可以判断是评论多上的卖家号被系统检测出来的,这个与上revie或者和rating无关,买家号不行的话,都是会被检测出来的
2.有没有可能因为产品本身单少,而request a review比例大了,导致被下架?
3.这种情况下,申诉的时候 需要把自己刷单(评价多)的事情上报吗?
-- A detailed description of all methods you used to post or obtain customer reviews that are prohibited by the Amazon Customer Reviews policy.

-- Contact information such as name, email address, and website, of any third parties you engaged to obtain prohibited reviews or manipulate reviews.
WeChat Number:
WeChat name:
Phone Number:
Email address:
Company Name:

-- Identifying information for any customer accounts you or a third party used to post prohibited reviews.

-- A list of any prohibited reviews you obtained. Please provide inactive and  active review IDs or review links of those reviews. Review ID example: RVBTR9XXXXMM. Review link example: 
https://www.amazon.com/gp/cust ... XXMM.
这个说明共刷了7单,其中2单被cancel,实际刷单5单,只上了rating,所以没有review link

-- Documentation such as emails or receipts from any such third party confirming that you used their service.

-- A detailed plan that explains how you will prevent customer reviews manipulation in the future.
措施是最重要的,分段写,表决心一定要坚决且细节。要告诉亚马逊我们已经学习了全部的亚马逊政策,哪些行为是完全禁止的("Customer product reviews policy"里面有,列出来),另外公司也建立了相应的监管,惩罚制度,确保每个员工都熟知并遵守亚马逊政策;公司的重心会放在优化产品上,尊重并重视每一位顾客的真实反馈,不会干扰顾客,只会努力优化产品,提供更好的产品和服务给亚马逊顾客,等等。


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