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发帖6次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动9次 历史交流热度2.68% 历史交流深度0%
一. 变体违规被拆,父链接被删除,子链接全都还在正常销售
二. 后台账户状况有显示上架政策违规,有申诉按钮,无绩效通知
三. 邮箱有收到来自no-replies-appeals@amazon.com的一封邮件,具体内容如下

We are contacting you because an ASIN variation you created violates the ASIN Creation Policy. We have separated the ASIN from the variation family. No further action is required from you at this time.
Why did this happen? 
Sellers on Amazon.com are not allowed to create product detail pages with invalid variations, which include, but are not limited to:
-- Adding child products that are not true variations of the parent product.
-- Changing the parent product’s detail page so it does not match the child ASINs.
Has the variation removal been made in error?
If you believe there has been an error, please tell us why. Your explanation should include the following information:
-- The reason the listing does not violate our ASIN Creation Policy.

How do I submit this information?
If you are appealing an action taken on your listings for an Amazon Listing Policy violation:
1. Navigate to “Listing Policy Violations” in the “Product Policy Compliance” section in Account Health
2. Locate the violation record for the product listings you want to appeal.
3. Click on the Appeal button next to the record to submit your appeal to reactivate your listings.
四. 我已经尝试了申诉,收到了no-replies-appeals@amazon.com的回信,内容如下,后台申诉按钮变为"查看申诉",点进去是 提交"其他更多信息"。
We appreciate your efforts to comply with our selling policies. The record for this policy violation will continue to be present on the Account Health dashboard for either 180 days or until the listing is reinstated.
If you would like to reinstate your listing, please submit an appeal from Account Health dashboard.
If you are not interested in reinstating your listing, no further actions are required.
1. 目前我是否还需要继续提交申诉?申诉回信感觉像是自动回复,不知道是算通过还是没通过,因为子链接目前是全都在售的。不继续申诉是否又关店风险?
2. 能否查出是被人举报还是亚马逊系统检测?被拆的变体都在小类目前5。被举报者能否找出是谁举报的
3. 重组是否风险性非常大
同是天涯沦落人啊, 我也遇见了, 楼主,  我认为应该是系统检测, 亚马逊最近严打违规的卖家.
我这边也是进行了申诉也是没有回复,  后续我查看了子父体的相关政策, 亚马逊只同意同一类型的产品 不同颜色和不同尺寸或者不同数量(但是都基于一个原则是同一类型的产品)为同在一个商品链接组成子父体, 如果不是同一类型的产品就算是同一类目都算是滥用变体.
1.emmm, 不需要回复了, 亚马逊是不回复您的, 我这边都一个月多了都没回我, 我认为亚马逊只是警告下, 当时看的处理结果就是把我的子父体拆除就没有了, 账号绩效那边也还是良好状态, 同时多了一个商品合规性的警告.
2.这一般都是系统检测的, 你查看下你的链接是否符合亚马逊的子父体的正常  ASIN创建政策:https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/G201844590
如果都是符合政策的话, 你看看你同类竞品, 基本就是那几个了.
3.重组, hhh, 楼主说实话可以是可以, 我重组了后面还是老老实实把它又拆了, 我后面想了下亚马逊都警告过我一次了, 下一次我怕某天的早晨老板拿着刀问候我, 如果你想体验的话, hhh,  你值得拥有, 这样跟你说吧, 现在亚马逊 新官上任三把火, 我现在都单都不敢刷了, 我的建议是近期最好当个 老实 安慰 懂事 听话 乖宝贝, 如果你不怕被打我支持你!


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