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黑五太黑! 正在秒杀的listing突然变狗,原因是详情页有"Iphone"字眼, 求大神赐教

发帖5次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动91次 历史交流热度19.3% 历史交流深度0%
We are contacting you because you may have misused keywords on product detail pages. We have cancelled your listing mentioned below.
Why did this happen?
Misused keywords include, but are not limited to:
-- Keywords that duplicate information in the product name
-- Inaccurate keywords
-- Irrelevant or unrelated keywords
-- Word or punctuation variants that our search program automatically accounts for
We’re here to help.
To learn more about this policy, search for “Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions” and “Optimize listings for search and browse” in Seller Central Help.
How do I reactivate my listings?
Please modify your product and product detail page to ensure they do not violate Amazon listing policies. Then appeal explaining the actions you have taken to correct the detail page.
To edit your ASINs:
1. In the Inventory section of Seller Central, select Manage Inventory.
2. Search for the ASIN you would like to edit and click Fix Stranded Inventory.
3. Edit the inactive ASIN by updating the current page.
4. Save and finish.
Have your listings been removed in error?
If you believe there has been an error, please tell us why. Your explanation should include the following information:
-- The reason the listing does not violate our Product Detail Page policies.
How do I submit this information?
If you are appealing an action taken on your listings for an Amazon Listing Policy violation:
1. Navigate to “Listing Policy Violations” in the “Product Policy Compliance” section in Account Health (https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... em_mpa).
2. Locate the deactivation record for the product listings you want to appeal.
3. Click on the Appeal button next to the record to submit your appeal to reactivate your listings.
What happens if I do not provide the requested information?
If we do not receive the requested information, your listings will remain inactive.
Keywords: Iphone

以上是亚马逊发过来的邮件, 链接里的iphone字眼已经删除干净了,  哪位大神知道如何恢复listing,  请不吝告知, 感谢!





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