所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon 物流和仓储管理

有人了解FBA export吗?开通了这个服务之后,如果我经营的是德国站点,那么全球买家都可以从我的德国站点购买FBA产品,这个理解正确吗?

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创建多渠道订单的时候有个【want to export】的地方,点开sign up for exports显示有个worldwide的服务,内容如下:
Ship to destinations worldwide. By enabling the FBA Export services Worldwide, you authorise Amazon and its affiliates to determine to export goods out of the EU, including to sign a commercial invoice on your behalf. This commercial invoice will itemise and describe the contents of the shipment, and authorise brokers and other third parties to execute additional documents necessary for the export of your products.By using the FBA Export service, you authorize Amazon to sign a commercial invoice on your behalf for each FBA Export shipment. This commercial invoice will certify that the information regarding the contents of the shipment are accurate and authorize brokers and other third parties to execute additional documents necessary for the export of your merchandise

小咪咪之家 - 在日华人oumj2019




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