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美国府已向万国邮联发出最后通知,他们要么允许USPS为中国邮件设定抵达美国的邮件,要么美国将于10月17日正式离开万国邮联。10.17 不管继续用USPS 还是 退万国 费用就增加很多很多。不管怎么样,只要包裹到达美国,就比支付相同美国物流境内费用率,基本涨价 是不可预测的。首先 要不要退万国,如果退了,我们成本肯定高,不管用啥物流,其次 是不退,用USPS 继续协议,那也是增加成本。即使 使用 其他快线 也一样受制约。negotiated international rates for epacket 国际物流协议,牵扯东西太多。设计物流体系也多,反正 铺货 还是虚拟仓 各种平台 美国的都难受。主要国家曾策还没出,万一补贴由5升10美金的话 几乎不用担心的,看政策吧,涨价是肯定了的。虚拟专线不达标这么查下去,都扛不住!


8天前We have contracted negotiated international rates for epacket. We’re based in Las Vegas.

Got notification today that all USPS international GEPS contracts will be terminated September 31st.

This is all related to the Universal Postal Union agreement that allows Chinese sellers to ship products to the U.S. for less than it costs us to ship to the same state.

The administration has given the UPU an ultimatum, that they: either allow the USPS to set rates for China mail that arrives in the U.S., or the U.S. will officially leave the UPU on October 17th.

Either way, this means as of October 17, no more cheap Chinese shipping. They will have to pay the same domestic rates as us once their e-packets arrive here.

This is great news for U.S. sellers, especially eBay sellers.

Bad news for Wish com, Chinese e-commerce sellers, Ali-express, etc.

(edited out external url)


能不能组织下语言再发 像是直接复制的 还乱 加空 格   这样 让 人 看得很 累


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