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美国公司注册亚马逊的utility bill(地址账单)怎么弄

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用美国公司注册亚马逊账号被要求提供utility bill账单(水电煤气固话等等), 各位有提交过的吗,帮我们注册美国公司的给了个别的账单让我们自己p,大神们有什么其他更靠谱的方法么
Utility bill. Any of the following may be used: Gas, Electric, Water, Telephone (landline or mobile), Propane, Internet, Cable, Sewage, Trash Collection, etc…
(A utility bill, is any service, you pay in addition to rent, lease or mortgage, provided at your address. The name and address on the bill, must match your registered Amazon address. Do not use a utility bill, with someone else’s name, even if they are your spouse or relative.)

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P图有风险,谨慎哦,当然也有成功的 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


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