大家有没有发现feedback 越来越难移除了,有什么好的移除办法吗?

发帖2次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动16次 历史交流热度21.43% 历史交流深度0%

Greetings from Amazon Seller Support,

Thank you for contacting us about feedback removal request.

We have reviewed your request for feedback removal. Regrettably, the feedback did not meet the criteria for removal. Please know that we strive to put in our best to help you make selling a better experience, however there are situations where we have to express our inability to meet your requirements and expectations wholeheartedly.

I understand your concern but I would like to inform you there are some policies and guidelines which are set by the Amazon which we have to follow. I apologize for not removing this feedback. So I would request you to contact the buyer and ask him for the removal of the feedback.If the buyer agrees to remove the feedback, and is not able to do so, you can ask him to provide a written proof in the buyer - seller communication. We will then remove the feedback for you.

Please do not consider this as a denial of your request for removal but rather as an opportunity to educate and create a good relationship with our buyer, offer them options to improve their Amazon experience.

For your reference, Amazon will remove feedback for these reasons:

The feedback includes obscene language. 
The feedback includes seller-specific personally identifiable information. 
The entire feedback comment is a product review. 
The entire feedback comment is regarding fulfillment or customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon. 
The feedback comment violates any applicable laws. 

颜雪 - Amazon运营

赞同来自: 路人丙168 lanceqin 美美

FBA的feedback好移一些,关于物流,服务和产品评论的都可以开case移。最怕那种三星ok,not bad啥的就不好移,有时候多开几个case又可能移掉。这里因为feedback移除路径只能使用一次,第一次失败以后不能再在此路径上。我都是开人工case或者邮件case跟他磨。有成功有失败。
这都是一些基本经验来的,大家都知道,不知道 对楼主有木有帮助。。。加油。


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