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Dear Seller,
We are contacting you regarding your Amazon.co.uk seller account. Beginning 2019, Amazon Payments UK (APUK) will provide payments services for your UK marketplace activity.
If you wish to continue with your business as usual and maintain the options available to you today, you do not need to take any action. Your continued use of your amazon.co.uk seller account 60 days following this email will constitute your deemed acceptance of the APUK terms and conditions (available here), and we will setup an APUK payments account on your behalf.
The choice to sell and list in any of 5 marketplaces (amazon.co.uk; amazon.de; amazon.fr; amazon.it; amazon.es) or a combination of marketplaces remains yours completely. If you choose not to have any relationship to APUK and lose access to sell in UK, please ********** at onboarding-opt-out-questions@amazon.co.uk for next steps.

***** Please note: Direct responses to this email will not be monitored, please contact the email addresses mentioned above. ***** 
Kind regards,
Amazon Payments Europe s.c.a
Amazon Payments Europe S.C.A. (société en commandite par actions), partnership limited by shares, is a company registered in Luxembourg, Registration Number (RCS Luxembourg) B 153 265, with its corporate office at 38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg. VAT Number LU 24448288. Amazon Payments Europe SCA is authorised by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier as an Electronic Money Issuer (licence number 36/10).

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赞同来自: nonoddde

APUK与英国脱欧计划有关,亚马逊将引导新入驻的商家和卖家到新的许可实体APUK, 将历史注册商家迁移到 APUK, 为历史注册卖家开设一个 APUK 帐户,具体信息请参考您后台收到的绩效通知,对于想继续在亚马逊英国站销售的卖家来说,无需采取任何行动;如您不想继续在英国站进行销售,请联系邮箱: onboarding-opt-out-questions@amazon.co.uk 进行下一步咨询.


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