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Greetings from Fulfillment by Amazon,

I am an Amazon associate re-extending an invitation to you, on behalf of our research team for FBA Dangerous Goods (Hazmat) Program US.

Our program research team has identified you as a Seller that is not currently enrolled to our program. You may or may not potentially sell Dangerous Goods (Hazmat) products at this time, however you may be a Seller who would like to grow their business by starting to sell Dangerous Goods (Hazmat) ASIN(s) through Fulfillment By Amazon.

At this time, the FBA Dangerous Goods (Hazmat) Program is by invitation only to select participants in US. Enrollment into the FBA Dangerous Goods Hazmat program allows sellers to continue offering/selling ASIN(s) on Fulfillment by Amazon, that have been reviewed and classified as Dangerous Goods (Hazmat) and are approved for sale through FBA.

If you choose “Yes” to enroll to the program, your hazardous materials storage limit will be 28 Cubic Feet Flammable storage, and 28 Cubic Feet Aerosol storage.

FBA Dangerous Goods (Hazmat) FC’s are specifically designed to safely process and store DG Hazmat inventory. Storage is limited to FBA Seller’s enrolled to the DG Hazmat program, and that are actively utilizing their physical storage space. Utilization of a Seller’s allocated storage space is assessed regularly.

Please respond by 11/02/2018 with a definitive "YES" to accept IF you would like to enroll or "No" if you wish to decline. Once we receive your decision to enroll, there will be no action required on your part until your enrollment to the program has been finalized. You will receive a confirmation email, when your Seller account has been enabled. 



