紧急求助:squishies toys要求提供EN-71-1,EN-71-3报告,还有CE认证,有没有朋友分享处理经验或者模板?

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Squishy Toys

Amazon’s policies require that Squishy Toys sold through the Amazon website meet specified certification standards. In order to sell these products on Amazon, you must apply by submitting the following tochild-safety@amazon.co.uk

    Your company name
    Your Merchant Token (Settings > Account Info > Business Information > Your Merchant Token)
    Your email address
    Your phone number
    The EU marketplaces where you are listing Squishy Toys ASINs
    A list of Squishy Toys toy ASINs you are applying to sell
    For each Squishy Toys ASIN you wish to list, please provide product images showing:
        product name or model number
        CE marking
        name and address of manufacturer or EU-based importer in case the manufacturer is based outside EU
    EC Declaration of conformity: This can be obtained from the brand owner or official importer of the products in EU.
    Test report from a certified laboratory to prove compliance to EN 71-1 and EN 71-3. This can also be obtained from the brand owner or official importer in EU.

Product     Certification Requirement
Squishy Toys     Directive 2009/48/EC on the safety of toys

Please note that any products that could easily be confused with foodstuff (through appearance, smell and packaging) and contain small parts which could present a choking hazard are prohibited in the EU.


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关注 楼主 是否通过....
            交了一堆文件 ,,,各种刁难不让过...一会儿要签名 一会儿又要盖章,再一会儿 还要注明职位,,一会儿又要求回去补齐玩具类目审核.MD 分明就是在刁难我胖虎!!!
