所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon各类申诉

陆陆续续的又死了几个账户说是和这个二刷关联。。 都是异资料, 有同站点和不同站点, 有因为信用卡引起的信用卡关联 和 也有品牌关联。 年前找了2个行业内出名的服务商来申诉,目前没有救回来一个账号,有没真实申诉回来的关联二刷案例, 真实的,不吝赐教,谢谢!

发帖12次 被置顶1次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动104次 历史交流热度11.85% 历史交流深度0%
去年12月14日美国站被判二刷, 二刷就不多谈了,救不回来,不想挣扎了。
都是异资料,  有同站点和不同站点,
有因为信用卡引起的信用卡关联 和 也有品牌关联。

现在看到朋友圈很多服务商说可以 注销死掉的店铺,清除资料。。
想问下大家,如果注销了那个二刷账户, 关联的有没希望救回来,有没人尝试过呢。。

尊敬的 XXX:您好! 根据 Amazon 商业解决方案协议第 3 条的规定,我们已经停用了您的亚马逊卖家账户。您的商品已被下架。我们会与您共同商讨解决这个问题,在此期间,资金不会转给您,但会留在您的账户中。 为什么会发生这种情况? 我们发现您当前的销售账户与另外一个于 17/08/2019 创建的销售账户相关,这一做法违反了我们的“多个账户”政策 (https://sellercentral.amazon.nl/gp/help/G1801),所以我们停用了该账户。因此,您不得继续使用当前的销售账户在 Amazon.co.uk 上销售商品。
如何重新激活我的账户? 要重新激活此销售账户,请按照以下步骤操作: 1.您必须首先通过提交申诉重新激活相关账户。请按照您收到的有关该账户的邮件中的说明进行操作。 2.成功重新激活该账户后,请通过此链接 (https://sellercentral-europe.a ... s.html) 提交申诉,重新激活当前的销售账户。在提交申诉时,您需要向我们提供已重新激活的账户名称和重新激活的日期。 如果我没有另外的帐户,该怎么做? 如果您认为自己没有另外的帐户,请按照以下步骤操作: 1.如果您过去曾拥有账户或者曾具有账户权利,但现在不再拥有该账户或者不再具有账户权利,请提交申诉 (https://sellercentral-europe.a ... s.html)。提供证明文件,以证明您不再拥有该帐户或与该帐户不再有任何关系。证明文件可包括销售合约、采购协议、业务转让协议、合同终止相关证明文件等。 如何发送要求的信息? 要重新激活您的账户,请访问“账户状况”控制面板 (https://sellercentral-europe.a ... _em_ap),然后单击“重新激活我的账户”按钮,提交必要的信息。 如果我的账户没有重新激活,该怎么办? 收到此通知后,您可以在 90 天内提出有效申诉或选择不申诉。在此之后,您可以联系 disbursement-appeals@amazon.co.uk 申请资金。我们将进行单独调查以评估您的账户。我们制定的政策是为了保护客户和销售伙伴。如果我们发现您从事欺骗性、欺诈性或不合法的活动;或滥用我们的系统;或一再违反我们的政策,我们可能会扣留您账户中的部分或全部资金。 我们随时为您提供帮助。 如果您对本政策或上述要求的信息有任何疑问,请参阅我们的“销售政策和卖家行为准则”(https://sellercentral.amazon.nl/gp/help/G1801)。此外,还请参阅有关制定行动计划的一般指南 (https://sellercentral.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/G201623610)。 
您的账户被错误停用? 如果您认为存在错误,请提交说明。您的说明应包含以下信息: -- 证明您的账户符合我们政策的证据或示例。 -- 您的账户并未违反我们的“多个账户”政策的原因。 您可以访问 https://sellercentral-europe.a ... em_ap,或者使用 iOS 或安卓设备在亚马逊卖家应用主屏幕上选择“账户状况”,查看您的账户绩效。“账户状况”控制面板会显示您的账户在 Amazon 上销售所需的绩效指标以及在政策遵守方面的表现情况。 -- iOS 应用 (https://itunes.apple.com/gb/ap ... mt%3D8) -- 安卓应用 (https://play.google.com/store/ ... Den_GB)此致 卖家绩效团队 Amazon.co.uk


赞同来自: 泽也

Hello! Thank you for your timely reminder of risk issues in our business. Now in order to solve the problem that exists in the account, we have conducted a deep discussion and investigation on this.
Investigation concluded: My account was disabled in error.
I request that my account be reinstated, please see the instructions I submitted for details.

On March 1, 2022, I was notified that my account was disabled due to linking, and I immediately contacted the Account Health team, who directed me to troubleshoot the following possible linking issues:
1. Our company received the registration invitation from the investment manager on February 11 this year. I completed the video verification and postcard verification, and I did not complete the creation of my Amazon account until February 31. This is my first time to register for Amazon. (Please see the evidence I have submitted)

2. Since Amazon is a new business developed by our company, only one employee has been hired to be fully responsible for the management and operation of this account, and no personnel changes have been made so far. (please see employment contract)

3. Since January, our company has been solely responsible for the entire process of product selection, procurement, and operation by one person. (Please see Procurement Billing)

4. Since the registration of the account, our account has been logged in on one computer, and the computer has not been changed. Computer IP: XXXXX. (Please see IP screenshot evidence)

5. Through the clues provided by the account status team, we found that my judicial person: XXX, and also served as a supervisor of XXX City XXXX Co., Ltd., but XXX company is a sole proprietorship of natural persons, and XXX does not hold shares, nor is it a beneficiary, So it's not against Amazon's policy.

6. Our company's business license, legal person identity and address prove that all information is true and valid, and the office environment is independent, so there is no false information or account information leakage. (Please check the company address proof, legal person address proof)

The above-mentioned evidence, including the evidence, is true and valid, and our company can take the relevant legal responsibility.
As a professional seller of Amazon, our main source of income is Amazon. We will read all policies and regulations on the platform and consciously abide by these policies and regulations. We hereby confirm that we will never violate Amazon's policies, regulations, terms, etc. any action.
It is confirmed that this time is wrongly disabled, if you need other cooperation, please instruct.
Request to restore our account again.


赞同来自: 泽也

Hello! Thank you for your timely reminder of risk issues in our business. Now in order to solve the problem that exists in the account, we have conducted a deep discussion and investigation on this.
Investigation concluded: My account was disabled in error.
I request that my account be reinstated, please see the instructions I submitted for details.

On March 1, 2022, I was notified that my account was disabled due to linking, and I immediately contacted the Account Health team, who directed me to troubleshoot the following possible linking issues:
1. Our company received the registration invitation from the investment manager on February 11 this year. I completed the video verification and postcard verification, and I did not complete the creation of my Amazon account until February 31. This is my first time to register for Amazon. (Please see the evidence I have submitted)

2. Since Amazon is a new business developed by our company, only one employee has been hired to be fully responsible for the management and operation of this account, and no personnel changes have been made so far. (please see employment contract)

3. Since January, our company has been solely responsible for the entire process of product selection, procurement, and operation by one person. (Please see Procurement Billing)

4. Since the registration of the account, our account has been logged in on one computer, and the computer has not been changed. Computer IP: XXXXX. (Please see IP screenshot evidence)

5. Through the clues provided by the account status team, we found that my judicial person: XXX, and also served as a supervisor of XXX City XXXX Co., Ltd., but XXX company is a sole proprietorship of natural persons, and XXX does not hold shares, nor is it a beneficiary, So it's not against Amazon's policy.

6. Our company's business license, legal person identity and address prove that all information is true and valid, and the office environment is independent, so there is no false information or account information leakage. (Please check the company address proof, legal person address proof)

The above-mentioned evidence, including the evidence, is true and valid, and our company can take the relevant legal responsibility.
As a professional seller of Amazon, our main source of income is Amazon. We will read all policies and regulations on the platform and consciously abide by these policies and regulations. We hereby confirm that we will never violate Amazon's policies, regulations, terms, etc. any action.
It is confirmed that this time is wrongly disabled, if you need other cooperation, please instruct.
Request to restore our account again.


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