所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon品牌备案和授权 Amazon


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小熊姐姐weibo熊大跨境创业 - AMZ运营第7年创业合伙第4年中庸易经践行第3年,一直3C类目深耕。欢迎交流学习

赞同来自: Supercalifragile

可能我理解有点误差,二审挂了的账号,还可以去品牌备案那里把自己的角色删了吗? 我记得是啥窗口都没有了不,只留了申诉的窗口呀?
账号被冻结的(deactivated), 但是还是可以登陆只是啥也不能干,除非开申诉账号的case时:

1.需要联系品牌团队(brandregistry-help@amazon.co.uk)证明你是商标所有者(需要提交相关资料证明你就是所有者),然后直接说所有者(也就是你自己) 不允许亚马逊再使用我注册的商标了【也可以使用其他说辞】,请求亚马逊团队帮助我们删掉或清除该账号的商标备案。
注: 有小伙伴抄送的邮箱选了Jeff的邮箱。。。照样解绑成功。。

1. 打开链接:https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... ct-us
2. 选择topic为“Account termination request”
3. Business name 填法人or公司名
4. Email 填之前亚马逊账号的注册邮箱
5. Question and comment:User email:亚马逊账号注册邮箱Brand:已备案的品牌名 Specific reason for removal:随便说两句,因为这个case不会成功的。
6.亚马逊会回复你:We have closed this case because Amazon has deactivated your account. Refer to your Account Health Dashboard to learn more about the status of your account.
View your Account Health Dashboard at https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... m_sps or select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device.
Amazon Selling Partner Support
7.去后台的case log里面打开这个case回复,然后点击 【我需要有关此问题的更多帮助。】,然后直接将事情说清楚Hello Amazon Brand registry team,
We pretty appreciate it that you can give us this chance to offer explanation about the brand removal situation.
About our seller account's BRAND REMOVAL. The Amazon account was suspended on August 25th because we currently do not meet the UK VAT requirements. Under tremendous pressure, so that our company legal person unanimously decided to close the UK site and close the brand registry account also. BUT WE CAN'T DELETE THE BRAND LIST DIRECTLY, PLEASE HELP US.
But unfortunately, when i enter the brand registry account to close and remove the Brand roles, case replies said "Amazon Nov 09, 2020 07:23 AM We have closed this case because Amazon has deactivated your account. Refer to your Account Health Dashboard to learn more about the status of your account.
View your Account Health Dashboard at https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... m_sps or select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device.
Amazon Selling Partner Support"
Brand owner is no longer allowed to use this registered trademark on Amazon and need to remove this brand registration.
We have recognized this issue so asking help us delete or clear the trademark registration of the account.
Please look at the attachment of xxxxx Brand certification.
User email: xxxxxxx
Brand registered: xxxxxx
If you have another document, please let me know.
Thank you!,然后一周到两周之后会回复并成功解绑。注:期间需要多次催促。


第二种:品牌注册页面直接提问: https://brandservices.amazon.co.uk/?ld=undefined

另外,如果撤销成功用别套资料的美国账号备案这个品牌会关联吗?  我们这个品牌没有备案到别的店铺,也是害怕关联,所以没有去尝试,我们是有美国是正常备案,直接美国授权出去的,你们情况和我们差不多,所以可以直接欧洲授权给美国其他店铺,是可以正常使用的,不需要重新备案到其他店铺,个人认为有风险。为了安全,还是不搞吧。

小熊姐姐weibo熊大跨境创业 - AMZ运营第7年创业合伙第4年中庸易经践行第3年,一直3C类目深耕。欢迎交流学习

赞同来自: Supercalifragile

可能我理解有点误差,二审挂了的账号,还可以去品牌备案那里把自己的角色删了吗? 我记得是啥窗口都没有了不,只留了申诉的窗口呀?
账号被冻结的(deactivated), 但是还是可以登陆只是啥也不能干,除非开申诉账号的case时:

1.需要联系品牌团队(brandregistry-help@amazon.co.uk)证明你是商标所有者(需要提交相关资料证明你就是所有者),然后直接说所有者(也就是你自己) 不允许亚马逊再使用我注册的商标了【也可以使用其他说辞】,请求亚马逊团队帮助我们删掉或清除该账号的商标备案。
注: 有小伙伴抄送的邮箱选了Jeff的邮箱。。。照样解绑成功。。

1. 打开链接:https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... ct-us
2. 选择topic为“Account termination request”
3. Business name 填法人or公司名
4. Email 填之前亚马逊账号的注册邮箱
5. Question and comment:User email:亚马逊账号注册邮箱Brand:已备案的品牌名 Specific reason for removal:随便说两句,因为这个case不会成功的。
6.亚马逊会回复你:We have closed this case because Amazon has deactivated your account. Refer to your Account Health Dashboard to learn more about the status of your account.
View your Account Health Dashboard at https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... m_sps or select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device.
Amazon Selling Partner Support
7.去后台的case log里面打开这个case回复,然后点击 【我需要有关此问题的更多帮助。】,然后直接将事情说清楚Hello Amazon Brand registry team,
We pretty appreciate it that you can give us this chance to offer explanation about the brand removal situation.
About our seller account's BRAND REMOVAL. The Amazon account was suspended on August 25th because we currently do not meet the UK VAT requirements. Under tremendous pressure, so that our company legal person unanimously decided to close the UK site and close the brand registry account also. BUT WE CAN'T DELETE THE BRAND LIST DIRECTLY, PLEASE HELP US.
But unfortunately, when i enter the brand registry account to close and remove the Brand roles, case replies said "Amazon Nov 09, 2020 07:23 AM We have closed this case because Amazon has deactivated your account. Refer to your Account Health Dashboard to learn more about the status of your account.
View your Account Health Dashboard at https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... m_sps or select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device.
Amazon Selling Partner Support"
Brand owner is no longer allowed to use this registered trademark on Amazon and need to remove this brand registration.
We have recognized this issue so asking help us delete or clear the trademark registration of the account.
Please look at the attachment of xxxxx Brand certification.
User email: xxxxxxx
Brand registered: xxxxxx
If you have another document, please let me know.
Thank you!,然后一周到两周之后会回复并成功解绑。注:期间需要多次催促。


第二种:品牌注册页面直接提问: https://brandservices.amazon.co.uk/?ld=undefined

另外,如果撤销成功用别套资料的美国账号备案这个品牌会关联吗?  我们这个品牌没有备案到别的店铺,也是害怕关联,所以没有去尝试,我们是有美国是正常备案,直接美国授权出去的,你们情况和我们差不多,所以可以直接欧洲授权给美国其他店铺,是可以正常使用的,不需要重新备案到其他店铺,个人认为有风险。为了安全,还是不搞吧。


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