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发帖17次 被置顶5次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动534次 历史交流热度11.49% 历史交流深度0%
合并变体之后让客服刷新了下链接评论,前台评论rating显示正确,但是点进去评论都不显示了:756rating  0reviews.感觉很奇怪就开了英文review团队的case,告知评论被限制了。

刷的不多也就4-5单左右,感觉还是合并变体出的问题。没有收到绩效通知,自己开了英文团队的review case: 回复如下:

The reviews on this product were removed, and no new reviews will be accepted due to concerns about unusual review behavior. See Amazon's policy about misuse of ratings, feedback, or reviews in the Selling policies and seller code of conduct Help page:

https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... JIKBT

If you would like this product to be eligible for reviews, send an email to product-review-appeals@amazon.com with the following information:

1. A detailed description with dates, of all the methods you used that are prohibited by Amazon policies to post or obtain customer reviews, or otherwise manipulate reviews.

2. Contact information (for example, name, email address, and website) of any third parties you engaged to manipulate reviews or obtain prohibited reviews.
3. Identifying information of any customer accounts you or a third party used to post prohibited reviews. 

4. Documentation (for example, emails and receipts) from any such third party confirming that you used their service. 

5. List of any prohibited reviews remaining on Amazon. 

6. Description of steps you have taken to prevent product review manipulation within your organization, and how this will prevent future violations.

We will review the information you provide and decide if we will allow reviews for your product again. However, we will not restore reviews that were previously removed.

If you believe there has been an error, please email product-review-appeals@amazon.com with an explanation of the error. Your explanation should include evidence or examples that demonstrate that your product and its reviews did not violate the ratings, feedback, or reviews policy listed in the Selling policies and seller code of conduct Help page:

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If you have questions about our customer reviews policy or the information requested above, contact us using the following link: https://sellercentral-europe.a ... mance

To help us continually improve, we ask that you take a moment to complete our survey below to tell us about your experience with this specific interaction.
试试先将原来合并的变体拆出去,然后观察下。 稳定之后,再一个一个变体分批分时间段的合进去


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