所在分类:  服务&资源信息 所属圈子: Amazon 服务和资源研讨


发帖8次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动56次 历史交流热度6.38% 历史交流深度0%
Dear Seller,

Some of the messages you recently sent were not delivered to customers.

Why did I receive this message?

We detected that you committed at least one of the following prohibited actions in your communications with customers.

You are using “[Important]” in subject line or contact reason “Additional Information Required” when it is not necessary to complete an order
You are sending marketing or promotions
You are either incentivizing or manipulating product or seller reviews
You are asking for the same review repeatedly
You are sending links or attachments that are not necessary to complete the order
We have received an excessive number of customer complaints about your unsolicited messages

As a result, you are restricted from proactively initiating new email conversations with customers.

How does this restriction impact my ability to sell on Amazon?

Your ability to sell in Amazon stores is not affected because you can still respond to customer questions by email, Seller Central, or Seller App. When proactively initiating a conversation with a customer is necessary for completing orders, you can use our pre-defined templates in Seller Central by clicking the customer name in the Manage Orders page. Our pre-defined templates help you reach out to customers using standardized language and we automatically translate the templates to the customer’s preferred language.

What should I do next?

Please note that this restriction doesn’t affect your ability to sell in Amazon stores. Please audit your customer communications and ensure that you're not committing any of the above prohibited actions.

玄英二十 - 抬眼看太阳

赞同来自: ethan2017 何年看阑珊 520MrBarry

被亚马逊限制主动发送邮件是因为发送邮件的标题或邮件内容有违反亚马逊官方要求的操作,这和用什么品牌的索评软件没有任何关系,注意邮件模板标题及内容不要有敏感字眼。如果不好把握,建议使用速易特软件中的 Request Review功能,这是通过亚马逊官方内部接口来定时批量操作亚马逊后台的Request Review功能,是亚马逊官方的索评功能,就不会有任何的风险。


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