所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon各类申诉

已品牌备案了,投诉跟卖后,收到一枚小红旗,呵呵? 自己lisiting变狗了,恳请给个邮件模板 感谢亲们!

发帖1次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动13次 历史交流热度22.86% 历史交流深度0%
  • 小红旗邮件,在下方
  • 有没有  有过类似经历的,然后申诉成功了
  • 恳请给个邮件模板
  • 感谢亲们!
  • (这个listing更改过一次品牌名字,去年10月份,因为注册商标,就换了一个专业点的名字)


We are contacting you because you have added inaccurate information to product detail pages.

Why did this happen?
Sellers on Amazon.com are not allowed to add inaccurate information to product detail pages.
We’re here to help. 
To learn more about this policy, search for “Condition Guidelines,” “Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions,” and "Product detail page rules" in Seller Central Help.
Here are examples of your listings that do not follow this policy:
Detail Pages Needing Correction
Attribute Needing Correction: brand name

We have canceled the listings mentioned above.

How do I reactivate my listings? 
Please modify your product and product detail page to ensure they do not violate Amazon listing policies.
To edit your ASINs: 
 1. In the Inventory section of Seller Central, select Manage Inventory.
 2. Search for the ASIN you would like to edit and click Fix Stranded Inventory.
 3. Edit the inactive ASIN by updating the current page. 
 4. Save, then email listings-evaluation@amazon.com with a description of what you have fixed on the product detail page. Once we review the product detail page and determine the policy issue has been addressed, we will reinstate the ASIN.

Have your listings been removed in error? 
If you believe there has been an error, please tell us why. Your explanation should include the following information: 
-- The reason the listing does not violate our Product Detail Page policies.

What happens if I do not provide the requested information? If we do not receive the requested information, your listings will remain inactive.
和楼主一样,不过我的Attribute Needing Correction: brand name 这里提示是 item name
我查过了很多解决方法总结起来就是:先把listing的品牌修改成最原始的品牌,至于怎么修改,有人说删除listing,模板刷新,有人说找客服修改。修改好以后,再发邮件给 listings-evaluation@amazon.com团队,基本会恢复。
和楼主一样,不过我的Attribute Needing Correction: brand name 这里提示是 item name
我查过了很多解决方法总结起来就是:先把listing的品牌修改成最原始的品牌,至于怎么修改,有人说删除listing,模板刷新,有人说找客服修改。修改好以后,再发邮件给 listings-evaluation@amazon.com团队,基本会恢复。


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