所在分类:  知识产权 所属圈子: Amazon 知识产权
悬赏金额:¥50.00 围观金额:¥1.30 赏金总额:¥51.30 付费参与围观【围观规则】


发帖2次 被置顶1次 被推荐1次 质量分0星 回帖互动10次 历史交流热度0% 历史交流深度0%

Why did this happen? 
We removed some of your listings because we received a report from a rights owner alleging they may infringe upon their patent. This is against Amazon policies. Sellers on Amazon must comply with Amazon listing policies and are not allowed to sell products violating Amazon policies (https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... 361070). 
How do I reactivate my listings? To reactivate your listings, please send any of the documents listed below for us to review: 
-- A court order stating you are allowed to sell the products and hence are not violating Amazon policy for each of the listings mentioned in the deactivation notification. 
-- A letter of non-infringement from legal counsel. 
-- Work directly with the rights owner who reported the violation to submit a retraction. We may only accept retractions that the rights owner submits to us directly. We do not accept forwarded or attached retractions. These are the rights owner’s contact details: 
-- Rights owner name: Dango 
-- Rights owner email: wes@galliumlaw.com

阳光老男孩 - 薛星照13530886253

赞同来自: 小麦果汁

确定侵权内容,专利申请时间和你产品上架上架是否存在冲突。 如果你商家销售时间比专利注册下证时间早就比较容易,如果后者就麻烦了。 


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