所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon各类申诉

品牌滥用一直没回复,是资料不行还是正常申诉品牌滥用是这么长时间?还是因《INFORM 消费者法案》导致亚马逊品牌团队效率低呢?我还能做什么

发帖2次 被置顶1次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动2次 历史交流热度0% 历史交流深度0%
Hello from Amazon Brand Registry, We are writing to inform you that your appeal request 111111111111 for Brand XXXXXX for BR Enrollment Application has been declined. Why is this happening? As a part of the appeal process, a detailed investigation was conducted based on the (i) information available in our internal systems and (ii) information and documents provided by you. After carefully reviewing the information and documents, we have concluded that the brand/user has engaged in abusive conduct as per our policy. Will there be a change in the decision now or anytime in the future? Our decision is final at this point in time. Any new appeal request may be declined by the Brand Registry Team. However, if at any point in the future our system identifies that your account is no longer abusive, we will establish communication with you to resume the enrollment application process/add the user to the brand.

1. 2023年6月1日就这个拒绝恢复品牌的case提交资料(行动计划书,商标证书,采购合同,采购发票,产品照片,营业执照和法人身份证),没有任何进展,没有任何回复;

2. 通过后台卖家支持,开case转品牌注册团队,提交了资料(行动计划书,商标证书,采购合同,采购发票,产品照片,营业执照和法人身份证),品牌注册团队回复说在调查,都一个星期了,没有任何进展,没有任何回复;

3. 给姐夫发邮件,发了好几次,终于在2023年6月7日回复,生成一个新case,但是一样没有任何进展,没有任何回复;

4. 在卖家论坛发贴子,管理贴子也是很官方,说正常调查,叫等。

知无、卖家论坛、小红书、百度都翻烂了,我想知道这种情况,是我的资料不行,还是正常申诉品牌滥用是这么长时间,还是因为《INFORM 消费者法案》导致亚马逊品牌团队效率低呢?我还能做什么?

什么都不懂 - 亚马逊10年运营经验,加我V:wangwangjin888 一起沟通交流

赞同来自: Shirline

1. 你在亚马逊平台举报别人美国外观专利侵权,对同一个ASIN举报了多次
2. 那你就找美国本土律师收集证据去起诉,发起tro


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