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Customer Product Reviews Policy Violation

We believe you may have offered some compensation for customers to write reviews on your products. As a result we have removed certain listings, which you can find on your Account Health page in Seller Central.

Why did I receive this message?
Offering any sort of compensation for customers to write reviews is against our Customer Reviews policy. This violation has a negative impact on your account health; and, if left unaddressed, it may lead to account deactivation. Sellers are not allowed to manipulate customer reviews or ratings. Amazon policy prohibits activities such as:
-- Offering a third-party a financial reward, discount, free products, or other compensation in exchange for a review on their product or their competitor's product. This includes using services that sell customer reviews, websites, or social media groups.
-- Offering to provide a refund or reimbursement after the buyer writes a review, which includes reimbursement via a non-Amazon payment method. This could be done via buyer-seller messaging on Amazon or directly contacting customers or using third-party services, websites, or social media groups.
-- Using a third-party service that offers free or discounted products tied to a review. For example, a review club that requires customers to register their Amazon public profile so that sellers can monitor their reviews.

Amazon strives to maintain customer trust and provide the best possible shopping experience. We investigate and take actions when we detect any attempts to manipulate customer reviews. You can learn more about our "Customer product reviews policy" in Seller Central:
https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... 5TURN

How do I address this issue?
Submit a plan of action that explains how you violated our policy and the actions you will take to remedy the situation. To be accepted, the plan of action must include all of the following information:
-- A detailed description of all methods you used to post or obtain customer reviews that are prohibited by the Amazon Customer Reviews policy.
-- Contact information such as name, email address, and website, of any third parties you engaged to obtain prohibited reviews or manipulate reviews.
-- Identifying information for any customer accounts you or a third party used to post prohibited reviews.
-- A list of any prohibited reviews you obtained. Please provide inactive and active review IDs or review links of those reviews. Review ID example: RVBTR9XXXXMM. Review link example:
https://www.amazon.com/gp/cust ... XXMM.
-- Documentation such as emails or receipts from any such third party confirming that you used their service.
-- A detailed plan that explains how you will prevent customer reviews manipulation in the future.

Once you have gathered the information requested above, visit your Account Health page and follow the guidance in the "Next Steps" column next to the policy warning to submit your plan of action:
https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... nings

What happens if I do not submit a valid plan of action?
If you do not submit a valid POA, your listing will continue to be deactivated and this infraction will continue to impact your Account Health Rating for 180 days following the date on which it was posted to your account.

Have you received the policy warning in error?
If you believe there has been an error, please submit an explanation by following the guidance in the "Next Steps" column next to the policy warning on your Account Health page. Your explanation should include evidence that demonstrates your account did not violate our Customer Reviews policy.

Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team.

We are so sorry to be informed that the Asin BXXX has been removed. We are well aware that any attempt to manipulate ratings, feedback, or customer reviews is prohibited, and we must point out that we have never done so. We suspect that our inadvertent promotion campaign has led to such consequences.

--Reasons might cause the issue

1). We didn't fully understand the Amazon rules of promotions, and we set up codes that are highly discounted that did not show on the page, resulting in a violation of Amazon's trading rules.

2). To speed up the sales of seasonal overstock inventory of ASIN: BXXXX, we sent our daily deals to Amazon influencers to promote this product. However, due to lack of knowledge of Amazon policy, we carried out a clearance promotion with a 50% code discount combined with a 20% off coupon. However, we do not set up social media codes as required by Amazon and we did not show all the codes on the product page, which may lead to unfair competition. And the large number of promotions in late December might lead to a surge in rating, reviews for the ASIN in January.

For the situation, we compiled data such as normal sales/offsite sales/retention rates for the ASIN and listing (Attachment 1,sheet1), as well as specific information on promotions for this period, such as promotion time, promotion channel, discount and the process of code-making (Attachment 2,sheet2).

--Actions we have taken to correct the promotion mistake.

1). Social media codes have been set to be open to all customers and all codes will be shown on the product pages for all listings. What is more, the promotion intensity we show to audiences of all offsite deals will be as same as the product details pages showing to avoid any potential unfair competition.
2). Code-checking every day. A responsible specialist from production department will check all the upcoming deals and promotional events of all listings from coast to coast to ensure that promotion intensity in all offsite channels will be as same as the product details pages showing.

--Evidence shows we have made the action mentioned above

(Code-checking file for all the upcoming promotional events)

--Further steps we have taken to prevent such issue from happening in the future

1). Thoroughly check other listings to avoid any similar problems
In order to avoid similar problems happening, we have conducted a thorough investigation to other products from several aspects to ensure they are all have normal sale trends and ratings.
2) Establish regular training meetings
For all company staff about Amazon policies, especially customer product reviews violation policy. On 27th January 2022, we just held an emergent meeting to inform the company staff of the issue and seriously require everyone to avoid such problem. Such training meetings will be held every week in the company. We will clearly remember the following points in our minds:
1)Never pay for or offer an incentive (such as coupons or free products) in exchange for providing or removing feedback or reviews
2)Never ask customers to write only positive reviews or ask them to remove or change a review
3)Never solicit reviews only from customers who had a positive experience
4)Never review our own products or a competitors’ products

Again, we could not be more sorry for such a mistake and the inconvenience caused to the Amazon team. We have learned the lesson and we promise such problems will never happen in the future.

Please kindly review our appeal letter and think about giving us a second chance to continue selling ASIN: BXXXX, which will be highly appreciated by our whole team.

Thank you.

Best regards.

service - 虚心学习

赞同来自: 拾壹2022




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