所在分类:  检测认证 所属圈子: Amazon 检测认证合规

加拿大SOR 2011-22怎么做?收到亚马逊邮件,要提供检测认证。产品是布做的服饰配件。 所以应该是提交:纺织品易燃性(一般服装)SOR 2011-22。 这个认证怎么做?

发帖19次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动69次 历史交流热度6.7% 历史交流深度0%
所以应该是提交:纺织品易燃性(一般服装)SOR 2011-22。
Hello from Amazon.com,

We are contacting you due to an internal safety and compliance review. As part of our ongoing efforts to provide the best possible customer experience, we will need to confirm that your product meets the current safety standards for the following ASIN(s):XXXXXX

Please submit all relevant safety test documentations to erica-safety@amazon.com at your earliest opportunity to minimize impact to your business. Please see below for details on safety document requirements:
-  Children’s Toys - SOR/2011-17
-  Children’s Jewelry - SOR/2016-168
-  Children’s Sleepwear - SOR/2011-15
-  Electronically Operated Toys - C22.2 No. 149-1972 and SOR/2011-17
-  Wood burning tool toys – C22.2 No. 122-M1989 and SOR/2011-17

-  Electronics: Standard CSA C22.2, in addition to ESA - O. REG 438/07 for Ontario Electrical Safety Authority.

-  Cosmetics: Consumer Packaging and Labelling Regulations (C.R.C., c. 417) documentation. All chemical ingredients must meet the Canadian Environmental Protection Act requirements.

-  General Wearing Apparel: Textile Flammability (General wearing apparel) SOR 2011-22.

-  Other Products: Testing documentation from an ISO 17025 certified laboratory to the appropriate standard. Consult with the certified laboratory to determine the appropriate standard for the product as a whole. We cannot accept documentation for just the component parts.

Please note: If the above documentation request is not completed in entirety within 30 days the ASIN(s) will be suppressed.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Product Safety Team

Please note: this e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.
1. 遇到这种情况,第一反映是要咨询采购的厂家有没有该检测认证。如果有,一切好说。
2. 如果没有,你需要咨询厂家有没有认识了解做这块认证的检测机构,帮忙推荐一下,费用这块是大概多少,做一个了解,产品长期发展的话,可以跟厂家协商这个费用是否可以他们承担,或者双方一起承担检测认证费用。
3. 你也可以自己找一些资源,例如淘宝,服务商都可以多方打听检测时效,费用,以及条件等,做好对比,按要求配合提供相应样品,争取尽早30天内把认证做了提交了。专业的事情交给专业的人。
1. 遇到这种情况,第一反映是要咨询采购的厂家有没有该检测认证。如果有,一切好说。
2. 如果没有,你需要咨询厂家有没有认识了解做这块认证的检测机构,帮忙推荐一下,费用这块是大概多少,做一个了解,产品长期发展的话,可以跟厂家协商这个费用是否可以他们承担,或者双方一起承担检测认证费用。
3. 你也可以自己找一些资源,例如淘宝,服务商都可以多方打听检测时效,费用,以及条件等,做好对比,按要求配合提供相应样品,争取尽早30天内把认证做了提交了。专业的事情交给专业的人。


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