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我们是美亚FBA, 是否可以直接打电话联系客户?

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conwaykang - 独立站卖家 | WaimaoB2C.com博主

赞同来自: gagagugu Adoncn 跨境女王

**Appropriate treatment of customer phone numbers:**
Amazon provides Professional sellers who fulfill their own orders access to customer phone numbers so that they can comply with carrier label requirements. If you receive this customer information, you are required to adhere to Amazon’s customer personal information policy, which can be found in our Seller Agreement.

Please review the policy there and the guidance below to make sure that you are using your customers' phone numbers correctly.

**Proper treatment of customer phone numbers:**

Print on labels to comply with carrier requirements.
Dispose of any customer phone number data that you retain after you have processed your customers’ orders.
Monitor who in your organization has access to customer phone numbers—protecting this data is your responsibility.

**Improper treatment of customer phone numbers:**

_Never contact a customer using their phone number. To contact a customer about their order, only use Buyer-Seller Messaging. Please see our Buyer Seller Messaging FAQ for more information. **永远不要通过电话联系客户,只能通过亚马逊站内信联系客户解决问题**_
Never share customer phone information with an external party.
Never pass along customer information of any kind, including phone numbers, outside of Buyer Seller Messaging.


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