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mazonApr 05, 2021 05:50 PM
Hello from Amazon Brand Registry Support,

Brand name: ¥¥

Thank you for your interest in enhanced brand tools in Seller Central. Unfortunately, we are not able to approve you to use this feature at this time.

The tool is only available to sellers who own a brand. This user must be internal to the brand and must be responsible for selling the brand’s products on Amazon. We were not able to verify that you meet these requirements.

If you did not apply for enhanced brand tools, contact us through the below link immediately:
US站,之前弄这个研究了好久 后来在论坛学到了一个秒开的 
步骤如下:进你的business report -Detail Page Sales and Traffic by Child Item-然后在明细的上方会看到这样一句话Sellers who own a brand and are internal to the brand can now make better informed strategic decisions to grow their business with Brand Analytics. Go to Brand Analytics under the Reports drop down or click here to begin.  点击文字里的here 会自动跳转-跳转到新界秒点击申请成为代表 -再回到你的brand界面-Access to Selling Benefits-进去批准自己的申请就行了(英文界面好像是accept),一般几分钟就有vine了
我在这个操作之前开了一个case 不知道是不是也有帮助  但亚马逊一直没回复我 发出来给大家参考,可以试试
主题写的:Technical issue:Identify as the brand owner
Dear Amazon Brand Registry Support,This is about error code 5001a, we can not use the VINE and brand analytics, please add"Brand_Representative" for us.
I want to use brand analytics and Amazon VINE.
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards,


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