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鄙人做亚马逊逾4个年头,有2个历史难题求解决:模板8040报错 and 没有刷单,没有违规变体,Review是分开的,无法合并显示

发帖2次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动74次 历史交流热度23.17% 历史交流深度0%
1.模板上传报错:Type of error:8040
You may not create new variation relationships for this Brand. You are free to add offers to any existing ASIN for this Brand. Please review our variation relationship policy here: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/G8831. If you believe the variation relationship you want to create is part of the ASIN family, contact Seller Support at https://sellercentral.amazon.com/hz/contact-us and mention error code 8040.

If we detect unusual review behavior for a product, we may place limits on reviews or the sharing of reviews for related products.
We place limits on reviews to preserve trust in Customer Reviews.
I understand you're upset and I regret that we haven't been able to address your concerns to your satisfaction.
We won't be able to provide further insight or assistance for your request.
1. 不能创建新的变体关系,这个品牌会不会是没有授权成功。如果是品牌团队还没有更新出这个品牌,那你就要去提交相关的资料去申请刷新。
2.无论你 现在的评论是不是刷的还是怎样的,亚马逊现在就是不允许合并评论的了。  能不能共享评论有时候真的看运气的,有时候合并链接,系统过两天才能更新过来,还以为失败了。但是有时候就是一直不共享评论,这样子你可以拆了,再重新合并试多几次。


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