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亚马逊收到邮寄Notice: MWS Deactivation / Aviso: Desactivación de MWS

发帖19次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动103次 历史交流热度8.81% 历史交流深度0%
This message is to inform you that we will deactivate your MWS Access Keys in 30 days due to inactivity, as you have not made an API call to Amazon MWS in the last 60 days
如题。很懵,收到一个这样的邮件,大概的意思是要停用我的MWS, 不想被停用就要MWS 进行 API ....

仙女丹丹 - 不想谈恋爱只想搞事业

赞同来自: xmxsylvia 12mayyy LBXLLLlydia

按照链接给的操作下开启就可以了 我之前也遇到过


x 点击咨询