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BeboGhattas - Amazon Seller - English Communications

赞同来自: ken0817 言不由衷浪子回头 linshen

1. Don't reopen the same case, reapply for ungating for every attempt
2. You must be aware of the Germany regulation for skin care
3. Best to find influencer/friend in Germany, Go and buy 10 pcs from middle size brand (Known-brand) and take pictures for it, and for the invoice and ask for the test reports (Tell them if the item accepted by our store, we will place bulk order)
4. Open new case with this new product, It is purchased in Germany and you have Invoice with your TAX ID, and all information is VERY clear, and more highly to pass

All online service for ungating, they would buy local product, take picture and upload to your seller account "as a manufacturer" and most likely amazon don't ask for invoice and pictures would get you ungated.

If need further help, Send me amazon reply and i may be able to help


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