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Macbook配件Listing中带了Apple macbook,前台变狗,后台可售,有办法救回来吗?

发帖11次 被置顶1次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动159次 历史交流热度18.25% 历史交流深度0%

May 18, 2019 10:00 AM
Greetings from Amazon Seller Support,
Appreciate your pro activeness in contacting us regarding the reinstatement of the ASIN# XXXXXXXXXXX.

On checking with your listing, I can see that the listing has been restricted because you have used the trademarked brand Apple ( including sub brands).

I understand that you would like to sell some Apple parts, please be informed that sellers who are an authorized manufacturer of apple, should submit the authorized letter in order to sell those brands on Amazon.

On checking with the resources from my end, we can see that the sellers are ought to reach out to the band owner and get an authorization letter stating that you are an authorized seller to sell the brand owner's (Apple) product on Amazon.

Kindly provide us the letter of authorization, so that our internal team would review the letter and if approved you will be notified to start selling on Amazon. 

If you have any concerns, please do write back us so that we would assist you further.

Have a great day!
我上次带了iPhone 都不行,前台变狗,后台可售。不过我那次应该是误杀,所以我发case给客服,一两天之后就正常销售了。


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